January Campout Recap
Aho Mighty Creeksters;
What an awesome campout!! For those of you who were unable to attend, we missed you. For those who attended, thanks for making last weekend another fine weekend in Creekland.
This campout was our annual “off the reservation” campout, which was conducted at Wickham Park, in Melbourne. The weather was near perfect, and the Canaveral Nation camped in near seclusion in the Park’s youth area under the pines upon the fallen pine needles, and amongst the palmetto enclaves.
I was unavoidably detained on Friday for my Little Brave’s sporting event, so I arrived late. Even under the cover of darkness, it was easy to find the Creek campsite, which was lit up like a beacon from the Great Spirit. Our Medicine Man has used his strong magic and installed a lighting system which turns night to day. It is most amazing! Unbelievably, the next step is to transform the current battery powered, inverted system from conventional to solar. When I observed this illumination system Friday night for the first time, I couldn’t help remember the Creek of yesteryear, and marvel at how far this tribe has evolved.
Of course, the other striking feature in Creekland is the chow presentation. Throughout all of the weekend, our resident chef, Vince is preparing some awesome food for our Big and Little Braves. While keeping the beat from Vince’s Pandora radio supplied tunes system, the Creek tribe has easily the best chow in the Nation. No matter what time of day you step into the chow line, there will be at least a hot dog or a hamburger waiting for you, and during meal times, watch out for you will be blown away by the culinary pleasures which await. I’m talking about appetizers, main courses, and desserts.
Saturday, we were joined by more of our tribe’s Braves, and the Creek had a formidable turnout. This contributed to the fun, and success in the War Games. Three games were held, and the Creek hosted the bow and arrow “Turkey shoot”, easily the favorite among the Nation. Also the one the Creek hunters demonstrated their archery prowess at: smoking the field to win First Place.
Our Little Braves were also a standout in the Long Run, and awards were prevelant amongst the fleet feet of the Creek. (See below for a full detail of the weekend’s awards)
The firewalk and fire on Saturday night was the time to reflect on the day’s activities as the fathers and sons walked in silence to appreciate the times spent with their camping companion, son or dad. Again, the Creek tribe stepped up and made the campfire, and detonated its start with some Byron supplied pyrotechnic devices. A flaming masterpiece, and easily the best Nation campfire this year. One of our Little Braves, KingFish had so impressed the big Chief, that he was presented his red feather award at the Nation campfire. Michael is here to epitomize the example of persistence for all our tribe and nation. Great job, Michael.
Sunday morning the Nation hosted a Pancake breakfast in the Wickham pavilion, and it was a great time to share in the camaraderie with our Nation’s other tribes.
On a closing note, I want to thank all the dads who continue to contribute to make these weekends successful. I am continually awed and humbled by the spirit, ambition, and volunteerism that all hands demonstrate during every activity here in Creekland. It goes without saying that these weekends will go down in the memory banks for your Little Brave for eternity, and this quality time we are privileged to enjoy with our sons is truly worth the efforts you all continue to selflessly put forth. A sincere thank you my brother Creeksters!
Awards recap:
Tons of ribbons particaption Long run - 5 yr- Evan 1st place, 6yr Caleb - 5th, 7 year fire elk - 5th, 8 year - swimming otter 5th; 2nd kingfish, 1st bengal tiger, 9 year - 3rd soaring eagle, 10 year - 5th wild cougar, 2nd - Ice Lizard, 11yr - 2nd place - Flying Moose
> Turkey Shoot War Game - Creek First Place
> Spear Coup (best war game) - Creek
> Mini war coup (second in war games) - Creek
> Nation Peace (Best Display) - Creek
What’s next?:
February meeting to start Pinewood derby construction
(If you would like your Pinewood derby kit, please check with Byron to arrange a pick up)
Feburary Pinewood derby campout
March State Pow Wow
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