Aho Braves,
Happy 2011. We have some exciting events coming our way. Just a brief review, then onto the details. I will include some of the information discussed at last evening's Council meeting.
Jan 9-tribal meeting, Eagle's Nest (see qlubb)
Jan14-16 Nation Campout, Wickham Park in Melbourne
Feb-Pinewood Derby campout, KARS
Mar-State Pow Wow, KARS
Tribal Meeting at Dean's
A crafty craft for the displays at next weekend's campout will be crafted. Chief is off to the skies, so Little Chief, Ice Lizard will demonstrate the craft. In addition, we will have some pre-cut coup sticks to distrubute. If you do not have a coup stick, please retireve one at this meeting. It will be needed for the campout. Uniform of the day is Super Creeky shirts for all braves. Tom Tom starts beating at 1300, don't be late. That's 1 pm for you landlubbers. Scooby snacks provided by Dean.
Campout at Wickham Park
This is our annual change of venue campout. The little braves get a real kick out of going someplace new, and it is still super convenient. This is a great campout to bring your son's bike to. It is an official campout, meaning we will be conducting war games (we are sponsoring one: bow and arrow turkey shoot), and displays, and long run for tribal competition. RV dudes, can try to get an electrical site, but Bill Rachels says its not looking so good. RVs are still allowed in our group area, there is just no elect. hook up. The cost is $5/night/family. No additional RV charge. Sunday morning the nation Council is sponsoring a nation pancake breakfast. Pinewood Derby cars will most likely be distrubuted at this campout to start prep. for the Feb. pine wood Derby rally. There are no ground fires allowed, so we will need an above ground fire pit, and some Duraflame logs. If anyone has a fire pit, (Ray?) let me know. The Duraflames can be purchased, and the cost will be reimbursed (see qlubb), we need enough for the weekend. Who has the "most improved" coup? It needs to arrive at the campout next weekend.
State Pow Wow
All of the tribes of the Indian Guides in the state of Florida will be converging on KARS park this March, as the Canaveral Nation will be hosting this years' Pow Wow. These events are super fun, and this year will be no exception. There is a separate council whose sole task is to handle all the logistics required for this grand event. The Creek tribe will be in charge of supervising Security, and the brief job description is:Main entrance and assist campers with finding sites and parking. Patrol grounds throughout event, empty designated trash cans and refill bags. Security shirts and radios and golf carts Woo Hoo. Also, we will need to assist the building of the stage. Please lend yourself to some volunteerism for this event, it is a working weekend for us (read: host), however, there will be mucho fun to go around. In the past some of the local tribes have developed some item for sale as a fundraiser (knives, marshmallow blow guns, etc) If there are any suggestions, let us know.
April Campout
Change 3: Weekend changed to April 29th due to Easter conflict, and proximity to the State Pow Wow.
Aho my brotha's, Please RSVP for the meeting and campout on qlubb.
Chief Pletch
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