Sunday, December 7, 2008

Creek in Florida Today

Ryan and Alex appear in the Florida Today.

Smoke Signals for the Mighty Creek

Chief Broph sez:

CREEK SMOKE SIGNALS – November 24, 2008

The Canaveral Nation’s camp-out (Mad Moon Camp-out) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was great!!! In my opinion, correct me if I speak with fork tongue my fellow participants it was a tad bit on the cold and windy side of Florida’s climate.

To start, camp set-up went fairly easy in the dark thanks, to the arrival of the tribe’s equipment/tools and the presence of the Cocoa Beach and Cheyenne Wolves, Cats and the help of the Cougar's with selection and orientation, which made for easy access and circulation between the various teepees and the long house. The Lizards arrived at the weekend’s rendezvous with weekend’s supply of firewood and goods for the weekend.

Saturday brought an early rise, except for the Cougars, to the tribe with the smell of coffee, bacon, and pancakes prepared on the tribe’s new kitchen equipment.

The Creek took many coupe on the field of combat as witnessed by the taking of the mini war coupe, and the Nation peace pipe which is equal to winning two (2) out of three (3) of the nation’s war games and best in display. The successful taking of coupe can be recognized as a result of the tribe’s football talents of Grey Wolf (Paul B.) and Wild Cat (John Y.) along with the great presentation skills of Ice Lizard and Wild Cougar and the young brave’s craft skills by creating reindeer from palm fronds. The evening brought the arrival of the Tigers with possible new braves John and Devin Stremmel of Cocoa Beach through the enticing smell of the celebratory meal. Medicine Man with the help from your Chief roasted tenderloin of hog, steamed saffron rice with black beans and sautéed green, red, and yellow sweet peppers which was worked off by the tribe at the ceremonial fire-walk.

Sunday fetched in another of the Great Spirit’s stunning Florida sunrise with a bit of chill in the air and another tribal breakfast of good coffee, fruit juice, and organically raised bacon and eggs with pancakes from the farm of the white eyes at Publix trading post. Once the tribes divided the nation’s coupe the Creek broke camp and headed to their family lodges.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Whole Tribe

This day, the mighty Creek has once again awed the City of Cocoa Beach with an awesome display of their traditions. Many beads and candy was shared with the local residents as the Creek trailer tranisited down A1A.

Ice Lizard prepares for the Parade

The Creek Little Braves posing

December 2008, hails in another successful and fun outing by the Mighty Creek, here are the Little Braves.

The Little Braves on the float

Cocoa Beach Christmas Parade December 2008