Friday, October 31, 2008

How to Register 2008-2009 Indian Guides

1. The Nation Secure Site is up and running for Canaveral Nation Y-Guides registration.
2. Link is available from the nation website (My Canaveral Link) or access here Use for initial logon email and 'palsforever' for initial password.
3. Once you're in you will be asked to create your own user ID (your email address) and a password. Then complete the registration form.
4. Email if you have any problems.

Creek Smoke Signals

CREEK SMOKE SIGNALS – October 31, 2008
The Canaveral Nation Council gathered in the hammock over looking the Banana River west of the Cape Friday night (10-24-08) for the Falling Leaf Moon camp-out. However, the tribe of the Mighty Creek was nowhere to be seen. In spite of this, your chief managed to be in attendance for the council meeting Saturday morning (10-25-08). The following were topics of discussion:
o The Nation Council and Tribal Chiefs had discussions and edits to the Nation’s constitution and by-laws. A finalization of the document will be available within the month for use on the Nation’s website.

o All families of the tribes are required to register for this Indian Guide’s season. The following are directions for the 2008/2009-season registration:

1. The Nation Secure Site is up and running for Canaveral Nation Y-Guides registration.
2. Link is available from the nation website (My Canaveral Link) or access here Use for initial logon email and 'palsforever' for initial password.
3. Once you're in you will be asked to create your own user ID (your email address) and a password. Then complete the registration form.
4. Email if you have any problems.

o The absence of the Creek tribe Friday night and will the Creek be arranging and participating in the war games.

Yes, the following families represented the Creek that day:

o Wolf (Brophy)
o Monkey (Henry)
o Cat (Yardley)