Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Enchanted Forest Hike
We had a very informative, and wonderful hike in the Enchanted Forest. As the airshow at TICO was going on in the background, we learned about many of the natural remedies the flora of Florida provided for the native Indians. Our naturalist guide, Joe, showed us toothache trees, Florida olives, Florida coffee trees, poison ivy, poison ivy cure, and the list goes on. It was a bonanza of natural information, and all the hikers were very engaged and we left brimming with info.
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Round the February Campfire
In a word AWESOME. That's the best description of all of the activities that Creek was part of this weekend.
I didn't arrive until Saturday morning, so I sadly missed much of the camaraderie that the Friday night campers were destined to enjoy, and we had a new tribal member show up. Ricky and Mark (fellow Yawlies) joined us for most of the weekend. Thanks for coming out guys.
We jumped right into the qualifying heats for the Pinewood Derby competition, and what a series it was!! The Creek had some wonderful entries which were both creative and fast. After the qualifiers, the Creek winners chosen to represent the tribe were: Wild and Growling Cougar, and Running Buffalo. Another fast car that was close to a qualifying time was created by Bengal Tiger. Great job all of the Big and Little Braves of the Creeksters.
The afternoon found the Creeksters in some heated political debate as led by Freddie, and our illustrous and elusive Sachem, Captain Chuckles. Meanwhile, Vince was preparing one of his signature meals which was delicious, nutritious, and included chicken, beef, and fish. A crowd pleaser, and not enough yums in yummy.
That afternoon under the pavilion, the fastest cars from each tribe squared off to determine the Canaveral champion. Our Creek entrants put up a brave battle, but were edged out by some of the other tribes' cars. But the fastest runswas reserved for last in Creekland.
In the evening's pavilion activity, the Dad's had an open competition for fastest car. No holds barred, no weight restrictions, and a singular rule of "not damaging the track" There were a couple entries which seemed fast, a Bud Light can strapped to a car, an electric turbo fan driven vehicle, and some heavily weighted others. However, a hush came over the pavilion, and a safe zone was established several feet from the track as Ray Corriveau, known affectionately as Crazy Cheetah stepped up to the starting line.
Ray pulled from his car storage kit a real rocket of a car, rocket shaped, and rocket propelled. Driven by a CO2 cartridge. The anticipation of the "launch" grew as Ray prepared his rocket for race. The crowd eagerly awaited as the nail ignitor attempted to find its mark. However, as in many space missions, the first attempt failed. The Canaveral crowd grew restless and impatient as Rocket Ray prepared for another ignition. Watiting for seconds which seemed like minutes, the crowd was finally rewarded with: BLAST OFF. The rocket propelled Pinewood Derby car screamed down the track, unbelievably hugging the lane and accelerating, while sending out a plume of exhaust in the humid evening air. As the rocket car hit the flat plateau, it accelerated through the timing block, so fast that a time did not even register. Hitting the deceleration rails, it failed to bring Rocket Ray's cast to a stop, and provided just the bump of lift that the rocket needed to find flight, as it launched over the end of the track, and continued into the starlit night sky.
There was a moment of pause, as the recognition of the event registered in the minds of the Canaveral spectators. As the pause closed, and recognition became reality, a clamorous and deafing uproar erupted in the Pavilion signaling the victorious Dad's entry as flown by Rocket Ray.
Uncontained laughter, and high fives were generously distributed all around the Pavilion that evening for the finale of the races, and a clear victor of the Dads entry.
The chili cook off followed, and was a heated event, with some great chow which was won in the end by the Chippewa.
What a great weekend. I humbly thank all of the Braves of the Creek tribe, Big and Little for their participation, enthusiasm, creativity, and ambition, once again showing the Canaveral Nation who the standard by which all other tribes are to be compared.
As always, it warms my heart to see our Little Braves continuously engaged in fun activities, grappling, fishing, playing basketball, sitting around the fire, and simply being boys. We have a great group of kids, and dads who are taking full advantage of an awesome opportunity for father and son bonding.
Please register for the Pow Wow, here is the link and it is also on the blog: (
Registration for State Pow Wow:
A couple of other links for you fitness freaks:
Registration for Warrior Dash 2012:
Registration for Never Quit Beach Fest in Jax:
Freddie: Surf trip in April:
The raffle tickets have been distributed, and the proceeds from the sales are due by the March meeting.
Thats all for now, my fellow creeksters,
Monday, February 7, 2011
Derby Car Paint Booth (impromptu)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
February "Fun" Campout Guidelines and Rules
The Fun Campout
The following are guidelines for planning the Pinewood Derby “Fun Campout”
1. The Canaveral Nation issues 1 pinewood derby car kit to each registered little brave.
2. The Pinewood Derby is typically held during the February campout.
3. During the planning meeting the nation council will assign 1 tribe to be responsible to put up and take down the track. This includes obtaining the track from storage and returning it on Sunday.
4. The nation Thunder-Maker needs to be sure the sound system is set up for the awards ceremony
5. The rules for the size of the car are spelled out on our website: In general they are;
• 2 ¾” wide
• 7” long
• 3” high
• 5 ounces
6. The qualifying heats will be held on Saturday Morning. Each tribe will be assigned a time during the planning meeting. Each tribe is allotted 45 minutes for qualifying.
7. Each car must be registered and weighed prior to the qualifying heat. The car is assigned a number that will be used to identify the car throughout the events. Each tribe chief is responsible for entering the cars for their tribe. Tally Keeper will assist.
8. Each car runs 1 time in each of the 4 lanes for an average qualifying time.
9. The 3 fastest cars in each tribe will advance to the semi-finals. (21 cars)
10. In addition to the 3 fastest cars from each tribe, 3 “Wild Card” cars will advance to the semi-finals, these are the next 3 fastest cars in the nation.
11. The 24 cars that make the semi - finals need to be checked in and weighed by 2:30 on Saturday.
12. The finals will consist of the 4 fastest cars from the semi-finals.
13. All little braves that choose to enter their car in the contests for appearance need to have their cars available for judging by 4:00 pm.
14. The cars will be judged by the tribe chiefs in the following categories:
• Best Looking Car
• Best Indian Theme
• Best Effort by Little Brave
15. The nation chief will select his favorite car for the “Chief’s Choice” Award
16. The Nation Coup Keeper needs to order awards as follows:
Trophies for:
• First Place Overall
• Second Place Overall
• Third Place Overall
• Best Looking Car
• Best Indian Them
• Best Effort By Little Brave
• Chiefs Choice Award
Ribbons for:
• First Place in Tribe (x 7 tribes)
• Second Place in Tribe (x 7 tribes)
• Third Place in Tribe (x 7 tribes)
The award ceremony is held on Sunday Morning at 10:00 a.m. at either the pavilion or the normal council meeting place (where the tipi normally goes)
Dad’s Entry__________ ______
Every Dad in the nation can enter 1 additional car for a Dad’s Entry race. This is a 1 shot down the track, fastest car wins. The only rule here is that the car cannot damage the track. There are no weight or size limits. It is suggested that the car fit on the track, which seems like a good idea if you want the car to move.
The Chili Cook Off
1. The Chili Cook Off is held on Saturday Night.
2. Each tribe may enter up to 2 chili’s .
3. During the planning meeting, the nation will assign 1 tribe responsible for hosting the chili cook off.
4. Entries must be at the host tribe by 9:00 p.m.
5. The tribe chiefs will judge the chili.
6. An award is given for 1st place only.
7. After the chiefs, the chili is made available for everyone who shows up with a bowl and spoon.
8. The host tribe is responsible for providing beverages to the Nation Medicine Man and Nation Chief.
9. The best bathrooms to use the morning after are the rarely used ones over by the tennis courts!
January campout recap
January Campout Recap
Aho Mighty Creeksters;
What an awesome campout!! For those of you who were unable to attend, we missed you. For those who attended, thanks for making last weekend another fine weekend in Creekland.
This campout was our annual “off the reservation” campout, which was conducted at Wickham Park, in Melbourne. The weather was near perfect, and the Canaveral Nation camped in near seclusion in the Park’s youth area under the pines upon the fallen pine needles, and amongst the palmetto enclaves.
I was unavoidably detained on Friday for my Little Brave’s sporting event, so I arrived late. Even under the cover of darkness, it was easy to find the Creek campsite, which was lit up like a beacon from the Great Spirit. Our Medicine Man has used his strong magic and installed a lighting system which turns night to day. It is most amazing! Unbelievably, the next step is to transform the current battery powered, inverted system from conventional to solar. When I observed this illumination system Friday night for the first time, I couldn’t help remember the Creek of yesteryear, and marvel at how far this tribe has evolved.
Of course, the other striking feature in Creekland is the chow presentation. Throughout all of the weekend, our resident chef, Vince is preparing some awesome food for our Big and Little Braves. While keeping the beat from Vince’s Pandora radio supplied tunes system, the Creek tribe has easily the best chow in the Nation. No matter what time of day you step into the chow line, there will be at least a hot dog or a hamburger waiting for you, and during meal times, watch out for you will be blown away by the culinary pleasures which await. I’m talking about appetizers, main courses, and desserts.
Saturday, we were joined by more of our tribe’s Braves, and the Creek had a formidable turnout. This contributed to the fun, and success in the War Games. Three games were held, and the Creek hosted the bow and arrow “Turkey shoot”, easily the favorite among the Nation. Also the one the Creek hunters demonstrated their archery prowess at: smoking the field to win First Place.
Our Little Braves were also a standout in the Long Run, and awards were prevelant amongst the fleet feet of the Creek. (See below for a full detail of the weekend’s awards)
The firewalk and fire on Saturday night was the time to reflect on the day’s activities as the fathers and sons walked in silence to appreciate the times spent with their camping companion, son or dad. Again, the Creek tribe stepped up and made the campfire, and detonated its start with some Byron supplied pyrotechnic devices. A flaming masterpiece, and easily the best Nation campfire this year. One of our Little Braves, KingFish had so impressed the big Chief, that he was presented his red feather award at the Nation campfire. Michael is here to epitomize the example of persistence for all our tribe and nation. Great job, Michael.
Sunday morning the Nation hosted a Pancake breakfast in the Wickham pavilion, and it was a great time to share in the camaraderie with our Nation’s other tribes.
On a closing note, I want to thank all the dads who continue to contribute to make these weekends successful. I am continually awed and humbled by the spirit, ambition, and volunteerism that all hands demonstrate during every activity here in Creekland. It goes without saying that these weekends will go down in the memory banks for your Little Brave for eternity, and this quality time we are privileged to enjoy with our sons is truly worth the efforts you all continue to selflessly put forth. A sincere thank you my brother Creeksters!
Awards recap:
Tons of ribbons particaption Long run - 5 yr- Evan 1st place, 6yr Caleb - 5th, 7 year fire elk - 5th, 8 year - swimming otter 5th; 2nd kingfish, 1st bengal tiger, 9 year - 3rd soaring eagle, 10 year - 5th wild cougar, 2nd - Ice Lizard, 11yr - 2nd place - Flying Moose
> Turkey Shoot War Game - Creek First Place
> Spear Coup (best war game) - Creek
> Mini war coup (second in war games) - Creek
> Nation Peace (Best Display) - Creek
What’s next?:
February meeting to start Pinewood derby construction
(If you would like your Pinewood derby kit, please check with Byron to arrange a pick up)
Feburary Pinewood derby campout
March State Pow Wow
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Smoke Signals from the Chief
Aho Braves,
Happy 2011. We have some exciting events coming our way. Just a brief review, then onto the details. I will include some of the information discussed at last evening's Council meeting.
Jan 9-tribal meeting, Eagle's Nest (see qlubb)
Jan14-16 Nation Campout, Wickham Park in Melbourne
Feb-Pinewood Derby campout, KARS
Mar-State Pow Wow, KARS
Tribal Meeting at Dean's
A crafty craft for the displays at next weekend's campout will be crafted. Chief is off to the skies, so Little Chief, Ice Lizard will demonstrate the craft. In addition, we will have some pre-cut coup sticks to distrubute. If you do not have a coup stick, please retireve one at this meeting. It will be needed for the campout. Uniform of the day is Super Creeky shirts for all braves. Tom Tom starts beating at 1300, don't be late. That's 1 pm for you landlubbers. Scooby snacks provided by Dean.
Campout at Wickham Park
This is our annual change of venue campout. The little braves get a real kick out of going someplace new, and it is still super convenient. This is a great campout to bring your son's bike to. It is an official campout, meaning we will be conducting war games (we are sponsoring one: bow and arrow turkey shoot), and displays, and long run for tribal competition. RV dudes, can try to get an electrical site, but Bill Rachels says its not looking so good. RVs are still allowed in our group area, there is just no elect. hook up. The cost is $5/night/family. No additional RV charge. Sunday morning the nation Council is sponsoring a nation pancake breakfast. Pinewood Derby cars will most likely be distrubuted at this campout to start prep. for the Feb. pine wood Derby rally. There are no ground fires allowed, so we will need an above ground fire pit, and some Duraflame logs. If anyone has a fire pit, (Ray?) let me know. The Duraflames can be purchased, and the cost will be reimbursed (see qlubb), we need enough for the weekend. Who has the "most improved" coup? It needs to arrive at the campout next weekend.
State Pow Wow
All of the tribes of the Indian Guides in the state of Florida will be converging on KARS park this March, as the Canaveral Nation will be hosting this years' Pow Wow. These events are super fun, and this year will be no exception. There is a separate council whose sole task is to handle all the logistics required for this grand event. The Creek tribe will be in charge of supervising Security, and the brief job description is:Main entrance and assist campers with finding sites and parking. Patrol grounds throughout event, empty designated trash cans and refill bags. Security shirts and radios and golf carts Woo Hoo. Also, we will need to assist the building of the stage. Please lend yourself to some volunteerism for this event, it is a working weekend for us (read: host), however, there will be mucho fun to go around. In the past some of the local tribes have developed some item for sale as a fundraiser (knives, marshmallow blow guns, etc) If there are any suggestions, let us know.
April Campout
Change 3: Weekend changed to April 29th due to Easter conflict, and proximity to the State Pow Wow.
Aho my brotha's, Please RSVP for the meeting and campout on qlubb.
Chief Pletch
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