Aho Creek,
I received a couple of comments at the parade indicating omission of some of the Creek accomplishments from our November campout, so I am resending the recap to all. I'm thinking some of you may be getting that sometimer's thing I keep mentioning about myself, because all accomplishments were noted.
The Creek totally ruled in the parade today. There has never been a more crowded trailer in all of the years I've been doing this. I believe we are about to welcome as many as four more new families into our tribe! More to follow on that once I get all of their info.
Thanks to Paul again for the use of his teepee for float decorating and Creek base in general. Dean and Christian, outstanding job in controlling the little braves throughout the parade, and excellent pacing in distribution of the now famous Creek mardi gras beads and candy. Byron, the cart adds a very nice touch to the Creek entourage. Pletch thanks for taking on the responsibility of the lives of our mulititude of little braves by driving the rig. A huge AHO to all of the little braves for their conduct during the parade, not to mention a most excellent performance in reciting the aims and the IG prayer for the judge (I think their was just one)!
As always, the Chinese buffet supplied more than ample fuel for our long parade journey and was greatly enjoyed by all.
Once all of the info is gathered on the newest FNGs, I'll put out signals for the details of January and beyond.
Have a very Large and Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Visit from a "Dried up Creek"
Monday, November 16, 2009
Mad Moon Campout
Aho Mighty Creek!
What an outstanding campout!
1st, I am renaming the 2009 Mad Moon Campout to the 2009 "Creek FNG Domination Campout", due to the efforts of our Big and Little FNG Braves.
To start, there were several drop and runs Friday nite - Dean brought food for Sat morn brkfast, and Byron dumped the trailer - both had Fri nite commitments and could not stay. So the Friday night Creek attendance consisted of the Snake and Cougar families, the Snake family being the only presence at the official Creek site. Saturday morning Kingsnake and Rattlesnake tackled a small portion of the chow left by Dean and saved the remaining eggs and bacon for the Sunday's breakfast feast - it was lonely, but we had a good time. The Cougars slept in as Wise Cougar recouped from an unfriendly bug that infested his innards Friday afternoon.
Rattlesnake had many academic commitments Saturday, and had to depart the campout mid morning - Kingsnake was commited to much of Rattlesnakes agenda, and was therefore absent until midafternoon. But, starting by late morning, the cavalry (FNGs) began to filter in. The return of the Eagle family, Fox family, joined as well by the Barracudas, added to the lone Creekster Cougar family to make an awesome foursome for the ensuing War Game challenge. In the end, Creek took 1st place in the Buffalo Throw and 2nd place in the Shuttle Ringers, putting the tribe in potential contention for War Coup. Sadly, the vision of War Coup was not realized, but Creek stood proud none the less.
Choosing not to abandon any chance to excel, the Creek little braves (consisting of a compliment of 80% FNGs, including one brand new one recruited by none other than our Recruitment Czar, Wise Cougar) performed flawlessly in their display presentation. Wild Cougar led the chiefs through the Creek displays, as Ryan (totally brand new guy), Fierce and Chatty Barracuda, Running Fox, Growling Cougar, and Soaring Eagle all faced the nation's leaders with unparalleled poise and confidence. Their superior performance, coupled with the outstanding new crafts on display, earned the Creek Tribe the Mini Peace Pipe. This is a monumental accomplishment as ALL of the tribes are really stepping up their display presentations, and we did it with a bunch of 4-8 year olds. Chief is very pleased.
Congrats to Soaring Eagle and Chatty Barracuda for picking up their Brown Feathers this campout! We have many feathers to hand out at our January meeting.
Another area that many tribes took to task was the Saturday night wing competition. Their were FIVE tribes who participated. Nation Chief was not feeling well that evening, so Medicine Man judged the wings. Without question, Medicine Man was impacted most by the Creek Fare, finished off by a Fried Habernaro, compliments of Christian, the head of the Barracuda family. Christian has demonstrated that he too is worthy of the coveted title of Creek Master Chef. Dean served as head Master Chef, assisted and advised by Christian and Byron, with input as well from Rick, our newest tribal member (making an all FNG team) in the making of an assortment of wings, complimented with Christian's jalapeno poppers (totally awesome) and the coveted (dreaded) habernaros (I have no idea if I'm spelling that correctly). At the closing ceremony, the Creek wings fare was definitely the most talked about, but in the end Osage took the basket for their smoked wings.
The efforts of our FNGs, big and small, did not go unnoticed by the Nation Chief. He was very impressed and acknowledged those efforts by awarding Creek the Most Improved Coup award.
In my eight years of doing this, I have not had the pleasure of working with a group that is as involved and motivated as this one. It is a pleasure, and I look forward to Creek's continued success this season. On a small soap box note, I would like to send a friendly reminder to all of the big braves to be conscientious of their language, including the more 'benign' four letter words, around the little braves. I am just as guilty as anyone else in slipping now and then, but would just like to put that bug in everyone's ear. We have much more credibility when correcting the little braves regarding that sort of thing when we practice it ourselves. Nuff said.
Mark your calendars to meet at the Bevilacqua teepee around 9:00 am on the 12th of December for the CB XMAS parade.
More to follow on this.
Have a truly LARGE Thanksgiving!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Mardi Gras beads for the Christmas Parade
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Finished November craft
This craft has to be a contender for the displays winning category:
Meeting Recap
We had an enjoyable meeting this afternoon at the Cocoa Beach Lizard Lair. We missed the Barracuda family with some ‘under the weather’ little braves, and look forward to seeing them at the campout, this weekend.
Ice Lizard ran the meeting and earned his brown beads.
Feathers were earned by Growling Cougar, Soaring Eagle, and Running Fox. A lot of fun was had on the igloo of hay in the Lizard yard.
Also, we made a holiday season specific craft, which should be a major contender for displays at this weekend’s campout.
The big braves discussed the campout details, and it appears that all the duties will be covered.
Also, we discussed the Christmas parade and some details. Bill will be bringing some surplus Halloween candy and I will be bringing the newly famous Mardi Gras beads for throws. If you have extra Halloween candy to throw, it is another favorite. This parade will be December 12th, and many more details will follow.
Bill will be retrieving the Nation displays for trailer decoration for the Christmas parade.
A great time was had by all. Photos available on the Creek blog.
We had an enjoyable meeting this afternoon at the Cocoa Beach Lizard Lair. We missed the Barracuda family with some ‘under the weather’ little braves, and look forward to seeing them at the campout, this weekend.
Ice Lizard ran the meeting and earned his brown beads.
Feathers were earned by Growling Cougar, Soaring Eagle, and Running Fox. A lot of fun was had on the igloo of hay in the Lizard yard.
Also, we made a holiday season specific craft, which should be a major contender for displays at this weekend’s campout.
The big braves discussed the campout details, and it appears that all the duties will be covered.
Also, we discussed the Christmas parade and some details. Bill will be bringing some surplus Halloween candy and I will be bringing the newly famous Mardi Gras beads for throws. If you have extra Halloween candy to throw, it is another favorite. This parade will be December 12th, and many more details will follow.
Bill will be retrieving the Nation displays for trailer decoration for the Christmas parade.
A great time was had by all. Photos available on the Creek blog.
Monday, November 2, 2009
A preview of the November craft
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Chief Chuckles speaks:
Aho Mighty Creek,
What an outstanding campout! The weather was the best October wx in memory, and as far as I'm concerned, our little braves rocked through the weekend.
1st and foremost, a HUGE congratulations to our latest Eagle Feather awardees: Wild Cougar (Trip Rachels)and Orange Monkey Alex Henry). Alex earned his final black feather just prior to the campout, and Trip wowed us with his knowledge of the IG history at the campout, earning him his final feather (the green one) and ultimately they both performed in outstanding fashion for the Nation Chief and earned their Eagles.
I would like to get on my soap box for a brief moment regarding the Order of the Eagle Program (feathers, bear claws, and eagle claws). I personally think that this program is the backbone of the Indian Guides. The reason is that it generates more potential for father and son to work on things together in a one on one manner than anything else we do. Not to take away from all of the other things IG provides for us, but the Order of the Eagle has no comparison in true father/son one on one. Nuff said.
All of our braves have ambitiously worked on feathers and claws in the past couple of months, and they were recognized for that by the Nation Chief with orange ribbons. A huge 'Well Done' from me to them as well! And there are quite a few already earned for the next meeting. You guys keep up the good work.
IMHO, our braves absolutely BLEW every other tribe away in their presentation of displays, and it is a crime that they were not awarded for their efforts. My personal feeling is that other tribes have crossed the line a little bit in having the dads put forth a great effort and their little braves getting credit for stuff they really didn't help with. I do not want to raise this to a squabble between tribes, because it is great to see other tribes be very tight and produce such cool stuff. To me, however, it is more important to always ensure that our little braves play a significant part in what we present, or the meaning behind it rings hollow. I would rather do what we do and lose than have the dads make cool stuff just to win, while the little braves get very little out of it, and frankly, do not learn the right lesson. I guess that was another soap box, but so be it.
The Creek worked hard, had great meals by our esteemed chefs, Dean, Bob, and Broph, and had a great campout. Dean, you rule for bringing us the Golden Skillet for only the second time I can remember in Creek history (through the past eight seasons).
I have one more soap box item. At the end of the campout I had a discussion with all of the little braves about minding the 3rd and 5th Aims. A little back ground from my perspective: The COOLEST thing for the youngest braves is to hang with the older little braves. Skylar was that way when he was young and every young brave since him that I have seen has been that way as well. As the little braves get older (around the 10-11 age), they tend to start separating themselves from the younger braves because they are becoming more interested in 'big boy' stuff. We, as dads need to remind our young braves, whether they are younger or older, that in Indian Guides they are brothers, and that they need to always look to include each other in their activities, and VERY IMPORTANTLY, do not fall into the temptation of bullying or treating the young braves poorly. On that note, we as dads need to set the example for the little braves in how we treat each other so that the little braves know that we are one tight unit, and that we all have the authority, at any time, to pull a little brave aside and give him constuctive discipline if a situation warrants it. It has been suggested to me that an agreement be drawn up that we sign on to as the big braves regarding what we are willing to allow the other big braves to do in this regard. My sentiment on this is that any big brave certainly has the right, and is expected to provide constructive discipline to any little brave who needs it at any given moment. We are all not always around our own kids, so dads who are around kids who are not their own should feel no hesitation in stepping in when needed. If the tribe feels that it needs to be discussed where a line would be drawn in dads disciplining kids other than their own, then I have no problem having this be addressed at our next meeting. Otherwise, what I have said should certainly not present a problem for anyone. Think about it and I'll bring it up at the meeting. Personally, I think we have a great group of guys and this tribe has the potential to become tight and do great things.
OK, no more soap boxes.
Next meeting is Nov 8th at Chez Pletcher. Geoff, this is a chance for Ryan to earn his brown beaded claw. Additionally, I'd like the bear claw guys to look at going for the black beaded claw.
Feather earners look to earn the red feather (know all of the other little braves' indian names) and the blue feather (if this is your third meeting with good conduct). If your little brave still needs to work on the yellow or brown feather, make that the primary goal.
I'm looking forward to great things to come for Creek in the remainder of the season.
More to follow,
The King of Snakes
What an outstanding campout! The weather was the best October wx in memory, and as far as I'm concerned, our little braves rocked through the weekend.
1st and foremost, a HUGE congratulations to our latest Eagle Feather awardees: Wild Cougar (Trip Rachels)and Orange Monkey Alex Henry). Alex earned his final black feather just prior to the campout, and Trip wowed us with his knowledge of the IG history at the campout, earning him his final feather (the green one) and ultimately they both performed in outstanding fashion for the Nation Chief and earned their Eagles.
I would like to get on my soap box for a brief moment regarding the Order of the Eagle Program (feathers, bear claws, and eagle claws). I personally think that this program is the backbone of the Indian Guides. The reason is that it generates more potential for father and son to work on things together in a one on one manner than anything else we do. Not to take away from all of the other things IG provides for us, but the Order of the Eagle has no comparison in true father/son one on one. Nuff said.
All of our braves have ambitiously worked on feathers and claws in the past couple of months, and they were recognized for that by the Nation Chief with orange ribbons. A huge 'Well Done' from me to them as well! And there are quite a few already earned for the next meeting. You guys keep up the good work.
IMHO, our braves absolutely BLEW every other tribe away in their presentation of displays, and it is a crime that they were not awarded for their efforts. My personal feeling is that other tribes have crossed the line a little bit in having the dads put forth a great effort and their little braves getting credit for stuff they really didn't help with. I do not want to raise this to a squabble between tribes, because it is great to see other tribes be very tight and produce such cool stuff. To me, however, it is more important to always ensure that our little braves play a significant part in what we present, or the meaning behind it rings hollow. I would rather do what we do and lose than have the dads make cool stuff just to win, while the little braves get very little out of it, and frankly, do not learn the right lesson. I guess that was another soap box, but so be it.
The Creek worked hard, had great meals by our esteemed chefs, Dean, Bob, and Broph, and had a great campout. Dean, you rule for bringing us the Golden Skillet for only the second time I can remember in Creek history (through the past eight seasons).
I have one more soap box item. At the end of the campout I had a discussion with all of the little braves about minding the 3rd and 5th Aims. A little back ground from my perspective: The COOLEST thing for the youngest braves is to hang with the older little braves. Skylar was that way when he was young and every young brave since him that I have seen has been that way as well. As the little braves get older (around the 10-11 age), they tend to start separating themselves from the younger braves because they are becoming more interested in 'big boy' stuff. We, as dads need to remind our young braves, whether they are younger or older, that in Indian Guides they are brothers, and that they need to always look to include each other in their activities, and VERY IMPORTANTLY, do not fall into the temptation of bullying or treating the young braves poorly. On that note, we as dads need to set the example for the little braves in how we treat each other so that the little braves know that we are one tight unit, and that we all have the authority, at any time, to pull a little brave aside and give him constuctive discipline if a situation warrants it. It has been suggested to me that an agreement be drawn up that we sign on to as the big braves regarding what we are willing to allow the other big braves to do in this regard. My sentiment on this is that any big brave certainly has the right, and is expected to provide constructive discipline to any little brave who needs it at any given moment. We are all not always around our own kids, so dads who are around kids who are not their own should feel no hesitation in stepping in when needed. If the tribe feels that it needs to be discussed where a line would be drawn in dads disciplining kids other than their own, then I have no problem having this be addressed at our next meeting. Otherwise, what I have said should certainly not present a problem for anyone. Think about it and I'll bring it up at the meeting. Personally, I think we have a great group of guys and this tribe has the potential to become tight and do great things.
OK, no more soap boxes.
Next meeting is Nov 8th at Chez Pletcher. Geoff, this is a chance for Ryan to earn his brown beaded claw. Additionally, I'd like the bear claw guys to look at going for the black beaded claw.
Feather earners look to earn the red feather (know all of the other little braves' indian names) and the blue feather (if this is your third meeting with good conduct). If your little brave still needs to work on the yellow or brown feather, make that the primary goal.
I'm looking forward to great things to come for Creek in the remainder of the season.
More to follow,
The King of Snakes
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Campout recap by Cheif Chuck(les)
Aho Mighty Creek,
Although the wx was about the most hot and miserable to date in my eight years of doing this (which is why I have never attended the September campout before), a grand Creek time was had by all who attended this weekend. My condolences and props to those who braved the monsoon in tents Friday nite. The September recruitment campout did not provide any new recruits for Creek, however, it did bring about some Dried Up Creek (Lynch, Stankie, Schlierf, and Byrd) for Friday nite's festivities. I am sorry I missed that evening, but I am told it was a definite highlight of the weekend. Thanks Dried Up Creeks for enhancing our weekend!. You will be included in all future correspondence and are very welcome at any future Creek event of your choosing! We were priveleged to encounter another Dried Up Creek on Saturday evening. Rob Henry came out with his not so little princess, Becca, and three of her friends ("and by the way, could you find three dates for my friends?") - sorry, I had to do that.
Does anyone have Rob's current email address, as I want to add him to the Creek email roster.
Two Braves earned bear claws (red beads) on Saturday: congratulations Wolffang and Black Wolf! You are now officially on your way to your second Eagle. Keep up the good work!
Orange Monkey and Runny Fox also got ahead of the game in earning future feathers and claws. Runny Fox is well on the way to knowing the six aims for his yellow feather, while Orange Monkey knocked out a couple of the requirements for the red beaded bear claw, even though he is not officially working the bear claw program, yet. Nicely done young braves!
The competition for the title master chef is fierce as Dean has proven his worthiness amongst our tribe's already proven chefs. The Rosenquist cuisine included two options of perfectly cooked pork tenderloin and one chicken as well. Those cookies weren't bad, either. The bar has been raised.
Dean also was skillful in the art of draining the nation coup keeper of supplies, so that Creek is now well stocked with headbands, books and feathers. Make sure you let him know what you need at the next meeting.
George, how's those t-shirts coming? There is a groundswell of excitement as the new Creek shirts are about to be unveiled.
Next meeting is at the Bevilacqua teepee on October 11th. For those who do not have coup sticks, please bring a 1"x4" board to the meeting and we will use Paul's ultimate set of tools to rip you a coup stick, so you have somewhere to put all of these feathers your little brave is earning.
Big braves work with your little braves to help them prepare in earning their yellow (aims) and brown (IG prayer) feathers at the meeting. Bear claw braves work on the Blue beaded claw (maturity - that would be a tough one for me). Obviously, all other feathers and claws sought after are welcome as well.
Attached is the latest and greatest update of the roster. Byron, I think I finally fixed your #. Woo Hoo!
Have a large remainder of your hot and miserable September.
Although the wx was about the most hot and miserable to date in my eight years of doing this (which is why I have never attended the September campout before), a grand Creek time was had by all who attended this weekend. My condolences and props to those who braved the monsoon in tents Friday nite. The September recruitment campout did not provide any new recruits for Creek, however, it did bring about some Dried Up Creek (Lynch, Stankie, Schlierf, and Byrd) for Friday nite's festivities. I am sorry I missed that evening, but I am told it was a definite highlight of the weekend. Thanks Dried Up Creeks for enhancing our weekend!. You will be included in all future correspondence and are very welcome at any future Creek event of your choosing! We were priveleged to encounter another Dried Up Creek on Saturday evening. Rob Henry came out with his not so little princess, Becca, and three of her friends ("and by the way, could you find three dates for my friends?") - sorry, I had to do that.
Does anyone have Rob's current email address, as I want to add him to the Creek email roster.
Two Braves earned bear claws (red beads) on Saturday: congratulations Wolffang and Black Wolf! You are now officially on your way to your second Eagle. Keep up the good work!
Orange Monkey and Runny Fox also got ahead of the game in earning future feathers and claws. Runny Fox is well on the way to knowing the six aims for his yellow feather, while Orange Monkey knocked out a couple of the requirements for the red beaded bear claw, even though he is not officially working the bear claw program, yet. Nicely done young braves!
The competition for the title master chef is fierce as Dean has proven his worthiness amongst our tribe's already proven chefs. The Rosenquist cuisine included two options of perfectly cooked pork tenderloin and one chicken as well. Those cookies weren't bad, either. The bar has been raised.
Dean also was skillful in the art of draining the nation coup keeper of supplies, so that Creek is now well stocked with headbands, books and feathers. Make sure you let him know what you need at the next meeting.
George, how's those t-shirts coming? There is a groundswell of excitement as the new Creek shirts are about to be unveiled.
Next meeting is at the Bevilacqua teepee on October 11th. For those who do not have coup sticks, please bring a 1"x4" board to the meeting and we will use Paul's ultimate set of tools to rip you a coup stick, so you have somewhere to put all of these feathers your little brave is earning.
Big braves work with your little braves to help them prepare in earning their yellow (aims) and brown (IG prayer) feathers at the meeting. Bear claw braves work on the Blue beaded claw (maturity - that would be a tough one for me). Obviously, all other feathers and claws sought after are welcome as well.
Attached is the latest and greatest update of the roster. Byron, I think I finally fixed your #. Woo Hoo!
Have a large remainder of your hot and miserable September.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Campout reminder and Meeting Recap
The Chief has outlined all the individual responsibilities in the blog post below. If you can make it, the mighty Creek will be off to a banner camping season this weekend. Additionally, thanks to the Cougar family for a great meeting. Many braves were awarded feathers and beads. The pictures from this last event can be viewed at the flickr link at the left. Aho to all and to all a good night!!
The Chief has outlined all the individual responsibilities in the blog post below. If you can make it, the mighty Creek will be off to a banner camping season this weekend. Additionally, thanks to the Cougar family for a great meeting. Many braves were awarded feathers and beads. The pictures from this last event can be viewed at the flickr link at the left. Aho to all and to all a good night!!
Chief Chuckles speaks:
Aho Creeksters,
The following is the tasking that resulted from the meeting of the council:
First, congratulations to the following talon, claw, feather earners:
Rattlesnake: Eagle talons with sapphire beads (5 mile hike) and green beads (mental projects)
Ice Lizard: Bear claw with red beads (physical fitness)
Orange Monkey, Running Cougar (my humble apologies if this name is incorrect), Soaring Eagle, Jarred and Sage from the newly affiliated Barracuda family, and Rocco (who will become part of the Lizard family) all earning their Turquoise feather for swimming.
Outstanding job young braves!
I look forward to handing out many more such awards through the season as our braves demonstrate their skills and earn awards through time spent with their big braves.
Here is the go to guy list with tasks for the upcoming campout and beyond:
Paul: Acquire spare tire, lug wrench and flat fix for the trailer, to be reimbursed from the tribal slush fund, held by the medicine man (Pletch). Also bring tire and baseball bucket to campout for our wargame.
Pletch: Bring jack for trailer and bring 50 gallon cooler for the nation lunch.
George: The trigger has been pulled for the new t-shirts! You are cleared to have your t-shirt guy crank out as many as he is willing to do. Whatever was agreed upon at the end of last season is what we are sticking with. The only thing that came up is to ensure that 'FATHER/SON' is on the shirt (other council elders please correct me if I am stating this incorrectly). I am assuming that the shirt background color will still be Creek blue (again for the elders correct me if I am wrong). Also, George, you are cleared to have your guy produce our trailer logo to match the t-shirt logo. It would be great if we could have the t-shirts and trailer logo for the Oct meeting on Oct 11th. If you incur any cost in this, please let us know and we'll work it from the slush fund, and then charge for the shirts to pay the fund back. Thanks dude!
Dean: Hook up with nation coup keeper at campout for coup replenishment (I'll hook you up with him myself)
Broph: Hook up with Byron this week to get the trailer registration and tag to him.
Broph and Dean, our esteemed chefs: Do Sat breakfast, Sat dinner, and Sun breakfast to be reimbursed from our food fund held by our wampum bearer (Silver Cougar). Also provide the nation with hot dog and hamburger buns for the Sat Nation Lunch, to be reimubursed by the nation wampum bearer (oh yea, that's you). If able and willing provide a side dish for the nation lunch, to be reimbursed from the tribal slush fund (Pletch). Save all of your receipts!
Byron: Bring trailer with firewood (Pletch owes you). Hook up with Broph this week to get the registration and tag
Bill: Collect $12 (or whatever this year's fee is) from each family who is spending the night, and give to the nation wampum bearer (Broph)
All those at the campout: Let's make sure all braves, big and little, participate in meal clean-up (clearing and cleaning the tables and doing all dishes). I think that should be an all hands effort at every campout. Also, for this campout, the displays will be very minimal (no little brave participation, just displays to show to potential recruits), so again let's all plan to pitch in for a real quick set-up and tear down. Also, for those spending the night, don't forget to bring your nation camping fee (I think it's going to be $12 this year) to give to the wampum bearer (Bill). For you FNGs, your first 'spend the night' campout is free.
A friendly reminder for money owed:
Bryon: $40 to Broph for YMCA registration
$75 to Bill Rachels for the food fund
George: $40 to Broph for YMCA registration
$75 to Bill for the food fund
Bill: $40 to Broph for YMCA registration (if you didn't give it to him at the meeting)
$75 to yourself for the food fund
Pletch: $5 to Bill for the food fund
Christian: $40 to Broph for the YMCA registration (if you didn't hit him up at the meeting)
$75 to Bill for the food fund (if you didn't hit him up at the meeting)
Although this will be a toasty warm camp weekend, it should be a great kick-off for the season. The Creek Tribe will continue to rock!
Remind your little braves to be thinking about their next feathers/claws for October.
If I have forgotten anything, I defer to any council member (big brave) to fill in any blanks and/or make any corrections.
See you next weekend!
Chuckles out
The following is the tasking that resulted from the meeting of the council:
First, congratulations to the following talon, claw, feather earners:
Rattlesnake: Eagle talons with sapphire beads (5 mile hike) and green beads (mental projects)
Ice Lizard: Bear claw with red beads (physical fitness)
Orange Monkey, Running Cougar (my humble apologies if this name is incorrect), Soaring Eagle, Jarred and Sage from the newly affiliated Barracuda family, and Rocco (who will become part of the Lizard family) all earning their Turquoise feather for swimming.
Outstanding job young braves!
I look forward to handing out many more such awards through the season as our braves demonstrate their skills and earn awards through time spent with their big braves.
Here is the go to guy list with tasks for the upcoming campout and beyond:
Paul: Acquire spare tire, lug wrench and flat fix for the trailer, to be reimbursed from the tribal slush fund, held by the medicine man (Pletch). Also bring tire and baseball bucket to campout for our wargame.
Pletch: Bring jack for trailer and bring 50 gallon cooler for the nation lunch.
George: The trigger has been pulled for the new t-shirts! You are cleared to have your t-shirt guy crank out as many as he is willing to do. Whatever was agreed upon at the end of last season is what we are sticking with. The only thing that came up is to ensure that 'FATHER/SON' is on the shirt (other council elders please correct me if I am stating this incorrectly). I am assuming that the shirt background color will still be Creek blue (again for the elders correct me if I am wrong). Also, George, you are cleared to have your guy produce our trailer logo to match the t-shirt logo. It would be great if we could have the t-shirts and trailer logo for the Oct meeting on Oct 11th. If you incur any cost in this, please let us know and we'll work it from the slush fund, and then charge for the shirts to pay the fund back. Thanks dude!
Dean: Hook up with nation coup keeper at campout for coup replenishment (I'll hook you up with him myself)
Broph: Hook up with Byron this week to get the trailer registration and tag to him.
Broph and Dean, our esteemed chefs: Do Sat breakfast, Sat dinner, and Sun breakfast to be reimbursed from our food fund held by our wampum bearer (Silver Cougar). Also provide the nation with hot dog and hamburger buns for the Sat Nation Lunch, to be reimubursed by the nation wampum bearer (oh yea, that's you). If able and willing provide a side dish for the nation lunch, to be reimbursed from the tribal slush fund (Pletch). Save all of your receipts!
Byron: Bring trailer with firewood (Pletch owes you). Hook up with Broph this week to get the registration and tag
Bill: Collect $12 (or whatever this year's fee is) from each family who is spending the night, and give to the nation wampum bearer (Broph)
All those at the campout: Let's make sure all braves, big and little, participate in meal clean-up (clearing and cleaning the tables and doing all dishes). I think that should be an all hands effort at every campout. Also, for this campout, the displays will be very minimal (no little brave participation, just displays to show to potential recruits), so again let's all plan to pitch in for a real quick set-up and tear down. Also, for those spending the night, don't forget to bring your nation camping fee (I think it's going to be $12 this year) to give to the wampum bearer (Bill). For you FNGs, your first 'spend the night' campout is free.
A friendly reminder for money owed:
Bryon: $40 to Broph for YMCA registration
$75 to Bill Rachels for the food fund
George: $40 to Broph for YMCA registration
$75 to Bill for the food fund
Bill: $40 to Broph for YMCA registration (if you didn't give it to him at the meeting)
$75 to yourself for the food fund
Pletch: $5 to Bill for the food fund
Christian: $40 to Broph for the YMCA registration (if you didn't hit him up at the meeting)
$75 to Bill for the food fund (if you didn't hit him up at the meeting)
Although this will be a toasty warm camp weekend, it should be a great kick-off for the season. The Creek Tribe will continue to rock!
Remind your little braves to be thinking about their next feathers/claws for October.
If I have forgotten anything, I defer to any council member (big brave) to fill in any blanks and/or make any corrections.
See you next weekend!
Chuckles out
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Is he Chuckles, Sully or Ross of cflsurf.com
Our Chief has been often mistaken for the hero of the Hudson, and was recently mistaken for Ross who writes the surf report for cflsurf.com. However, there is no mistaking our chief is a true hero who will be launching the Creek's best year yet.
Did you hear about the drink that was named after Capt. Sullenburger following his heroic event?
It's called the "Sully" and consists of 2 shots of Grey Goose and a splash of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Har har.
Did you hear about the drink that was named after Capt. Sullenburger following his heroic event?
It's called the "Sully" and consists of 2 shots of Grey Goose and a splash of water!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Har har.
August meeting held the 9th
Aho Braves,
The 2009-2010 season is upon us. We had our first meeting at this famous CB landmark. Most of our discussion centered around tribal responsibilites for the year as well as dates for our events. The schedule of events is published on the blog at the right. It is going to be a great year as we all follow our great leader Capt. Chuckles.........................
The 2009-2010 season is upon us. We had our first meeting at this famous CB landmark. Most of our discussion centered around tribal responsibilites for the year as well as dates for our events. The schedule of events is published on the blog at the right. It is going to be a great year as we all follow our great leader Capt. Chuckles.........................
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Smoke Signals for the Mighty Creek
The Canaveral Nation Council and Tribal Chiefs gathered formally along the main trail on a Rockledge over looking the Banana River west of the isle of Merritt Tuesday night (5-05-09) to discuss the following topics:
The last camp-out (Banquet Camp-Out) attendance is father and son only and will commence Friday (5-15-09) and finishes Sunday (5-17-09) with changing of council members and announcement of new tribal chiefs.
Wood for the fires at this camp-out will be supplied by the Nation.
Osage will be bringing Nation’s trailer and Cherokee will bring the canoe trailer.
Saturday’s dinner will be provided by the Nation, which will be catered by Don Lampkins former member of the council and Cherokee tribe. The menu will be the following:
Pulled Pork
Baked Beans
Corn-on-the Cob
Cake and Cookies
Should we not get one (1) of the KARS park pavilions; we will be pulling our resources with each tribe provide their long house. We’ll set up in the field for the gathering.
The camping fees will be as usual (cash) to be collect by the tribe’s Wampum Bear paid to the Nation’s Wampum Bear no later than +/- mid morning Saturday (5-16-09).
The Nation will be providing the following:
1. Two (2) Movie tickets to the Cobb Theaters for each tribal member/family.
2. A jump house and/or water slide.
3. Miscellaneous gifts for each young brave.
4. Watch fobs for each aged out member, council member, and patches for the tribal chief.
Each family is to provide a wrapped gift at cost of a minimum of $10.00 for the gift exchange.
Cherokee will be host a fishing tournament. Bring your own pole and bait. Fishing can be done from the boat dock, fishing prier, or canoe. Prizes to be determined at the camp-out.
The big braves are on next year’s Nation Council:
Nation Chief – Jeff (Howling Coyote) Dedrick of the Cherokee
Medicine Man – Tom (Storm Cloud) Parker of the Osage
Sachem – Dwayne (Sitting Osprey) Waters of the Navajo
Wampum Bear – Tom (Gray Wolf) Brophy of the Creek
Tally Keeper – Mike (Walking Wolf) Olejarski of the Miami
War Hopper – Volunteer Needed
Coupe Keeper – Volunteer Needed
Thunder Maker – Art (Diving Otter) Arnold
Web Spinner – Volunteer Needed
o Each tribe is to have Tribal Chief and Council in place prior to the close of this season (Sunday 5-17-09). Therefore, the Creek needs the following positions filled by Thursday (5-07-09):
Medicine Man
Wampum Bear
Tally Keeper
Web Spinner
Coupe keeper
Closing of meeting +/-8:15 PM.
Take it Easy,
Gray Wolf of the Cheyenne Wolf Family
The Canaveral Nation Council and Tribal Chiefs gathered formally along the main trail on a Rockledge over looking the Banana River west of the isle of Merritt Tuesday night (5-05-09) to discuss the following topics:
The last camp-out (Banquet Camp-Out) attendance is father and son only and will commence Friday (5-15-09) and finishes Sunday (5-17-09) with changing of council members and announcement of new tribal chiefs.
Wood for the fires at this camp-out will be supplied by the Nation.
Osage will be bringing Nation’s trailer and Cherokee will bring the canoe trailer.
Saturday’s dinner will be provided by the Nation, which will be catered by Don Lampkins former member of the council and Cherokee tribe. The menu will be the following:
Pulled Pork
Baked Beans
Corn-on-the Cob
Cake and Cookies
Should we not get one (1) of the KARS park pavilions; we will be pulling our resources with each tribe provide their long house. We’ll set up in the field for the gathering.
The camping fees will be as usual (cash) to be collect by the tribe’s Wampum Bear paid to the Nation’s Wampum Bear no later than +/- mid morning Saturday (5-16-09).
The Nation will be providing the following:
1. Two (2) Movie tickets to the Cobb Theaters for each tribal member/family.
2. A jump house and/or water slide.
3. Miscellaneous gifts for each young brave.
4. Watch fobs for each aged out member, council member, and patches for the tribal chief.
Each family is to provide a wrapped gift at cost of a minimum of $10.00 for the gift exchange.
Cherokee will be host a fishing tournament. Bring your own pole and bait. Fishing can be done from the boat dock, fishing prier, or canoe. Prizes to be determined at the camp-out.
The big braves are on next year’s Nation Council:
Nation Chief – Jeff (Howling Coyote) Dedrick of the Cherokee
Medicine Man – Tom (Storm Cloud) Parker of the Osage
Sachem – Dwayne (Sitting Osprey) Waters of the Navajo
Wampum Bear – Tom (Gray Wolf) Brophy of the Creek
Tally Keeper – Mike (Walking Wolf) Olejarski of the Miami
War Hopper – Volunteer Needed
Coupe Keeper – Volunteer Needed
Thunder Maker – Art (Diving Otter) Arnold
Web Spinner – Volunteer Needed
o Each tribe is to have Tribal Chief and Council in place prior to the close of this season (Sunday 5-17-09). Therefore, the Creek needs the following positions filled by Thursday (5-07-09):
Medicine Man
Wampum Bear
Tally Keeper
Web Spinner
Coupe keeper
Closing of meeting +/-8:15 PM.
Take it Easy,
Gray Wolf of the Cheyenne Wolf Family
Sunday, May 3, 2009
What a day!!!!!!!!!!!!
The tribe had a great outing at the TICO airport thanks to our friends at the Valiant Air Command. All of the boys had some great flights in either a Christian
Eagle or a T-34B. Our hosts hooked us up with a great day of flying, a tour of the great facility, and a pizza lunch. It was a beautiful day and a fine day of flying
Here is the link to the photo site: http://www.flickr.com/photos/34232597@N00/sets/72157617653136054/
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Next Creek "Extreme" outing
Our next "kick-butt" Creek tribe gathering is to be held May 3rd. This is the day after the Publix fundraiser to sell our remaining raffle tickets. First off, please attend this fundraiser to help fatten our tribe's coffers.
We will be meeting at 9:00 am on Sunday May 3rd at the Valiant Air Command. This group is headquartered in Titusville at the TICO airport. Address is 6600 TICO road, Titusville. We will be guided through a tour of the facility, airplanes, and also have some orientation flights for the Braves. Each Brave will be flown in a Christian Eagle or a T-34 B IT WILL BE A BLAST.
Have you ever heard us say, "you don't want to miss this one?" Let me reiterate in more understandable terms for any slow on the uptake:
Please check out the website for this organization: http://www.vacwarbirds.org/
Our pilot would like all the little Braves to have checked out some of the info on the DC-3/C-47 aircraft which is maintained by the Command. He is the plane's Chief Pilot, and it is truly a flying piece of history, having flown on D-Day, the Battle of Bastogne, and the Berlin Airlift. In fact, when the plane was being restored in Titusville, the restoration crew found coal dust which was from deliveries during the Berlin Airlift!!!
We need a head count for the Little Braves. Dads if you are out of town, (Monkey and Dragon dads or others), and you want your kids to participate in this monumental even, please call Pletch. Also, this is a seriously grand recruiting opportunity. PLEASE try to bring a new family with some younger braves to show them how the mighty CREEK IS IN DA HOUSE!!!!!!!!!1
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Site of the 2009 State Pow Wow`
If you were there, it was fun, if you missed it, we missed you. We had three Creek families which totalled 10 campers attend this year's State event. It was marked by nearly perfect weather in a pristine site in Umatilla Florida. We met on Friday afternoon for the caravan at US1 and 528, trailering 2 equipment trailers. Our travels took us through old Florida traversing the lands North of Orlando, through Lake and Marion counties. For dinner, we arrived at the Crazy Gator on the shores of Lake Eusits, since Tom was offended by the beauty of the waitresses at Tom's Shucker House. Since camp had already been prepared, we stopped at Winn Dixie, Charlie got a Winn Dixie card and we saved big on groceries for the weekend. So much so, that Saturday evening meal was a delish rib eye feast which capped the day full of father and son (daughter) activities including the ropes course, critter race (2nd place by Lizard Princess--of the STATE) archery, marshmallow gun wars, Slip and Slide and all around Y Guide, Florida Fun. Tom Cat has stepped up for the position of Tribal Chief next year, and only one conflagaration was noted between the CIW (Chief in Waiting)and Mighty Lizard. Chuckles mediated for a peaceful outcome and we all jammed to Robie's fireside guitar tunes. The hosting Nation put on a sweet broken arrow ceremony, and reminded all of us dads how important our role is in our kid's lives. We missed all the guys who could not make it.
Ropes Confidence course
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