Our next "kick-butt" Creek tribe gathering is to be held May 3rd. This is the day after the Publix fundraiser to sell our remaining raffle tickets. First off, please attend this fundraiser to help fatten our tribe's coffers.
We will be meeting at 9:00 am on Sunday May 3rd at the Valiant Air Command. This group is headquartered in Titusville at the TICO airport. Address is 6600 TICO road, Titusville. We will be guided through a tour of the facility, airplanes, and also have some orientation flights for the Braves. Each Brave will be flown in a Christian Eagle or a T-34 B IT WILL BE A BLAST.
Have you ever heard us say, "you don't want to miss this one?" Let me reiterate in more understandable terms for any slow on the uptake:
Please check out the website for this organization: http://www.vacwarbirds.org/
Our pilot would like all the little Braves to have checked out some of the info on the DC-3/C-47 aircraft which is maintained by the Command. He is the plane's Chief Pilot, and it is truly a flying piece of history, having flown on D-Day, the Battle of Bastogne, and the Berlin Airlift. In fact, when the plane was being restored in Titusville, the restoration crew found coal dust which was from deliveries during the Berlin Airlift!!!
We need a head count for the Little Braves. Dads if you are out of town, (Monkey and Dragon dads or others), and you want your kids to participate in this monumental even, please call Pletch. Also, this is a seriously grand recruiting opportunity. PLEASE try to bring a new family with some younger braves to show them how the mighty CREEK IS IN DA HOUSE!!!!!!!!!1
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