Aho Mighty Creek,
Although the wx was about the most hot and miserable to date in my eight years of doing this (which is why I have never attended the September campout before), a grand Creek time was had by all who attended this weekend. My condolences and props to those who braved the monsoon in tents Friday nite. The September recruitment campout did not provide any new recruits for Creek, however, it did bring about some Dried Up Creek (Lynch, Stankie, Schlierf, and Byrd) for Friday nite's festivities. I am sorry I missed that evening, but I am told it was a definite highlight of the weekend. Thanks Dried Up Creeks for enhancing our weekend!. You will be included in all future correspondence and are very welcome at any future Creek event of your choosing! We were priveleged to encounter another Dried Up Creek on Saturday evening. Rob Henry came out with his not so little princess, Becca, and three of her friends ("and by the way, could you find three dates for my friends?") - sorry, I had to do that.
Does anyone have Rob's current email address, as I want to add him to the Creek email roster.
Two Braves earned bear claws (red beads) on Saturday: congratulations Wolffang and Black Wolf! You are now officially on your way to your second Eagle. Keep up the good work!
Orange Monkey and Runny Fox also got ahead of the game in earning future feathers and claws. Runny Fox is well on the way to knowing the six aims for his yellow feather, while Orange Monkey knocked out a couple of the requirements for the red beaded bear claw, even though he is not officially working the bear claw program, yet. Nicely done young braves!
The competition for the title master chef is fierce as Dean has proven his worthiness amongst our tribe's already proven chefs. The Rosenquist cuisine included two options of perfectly cooked pork tenderloin and one chicken as well. Those cookies weren't bad, either. The bar has been raised.
Dean also was skillful in the art of draining the nation coup keeper of supplies, so that Creek is now well stocked with headbands, books and feathers. Make sure you let him know what you need at the next meeting.
George, how's those t-shirts coming? There is a groundswell of excitement as the new Creek shirts are about to be unveiled.
Next meeting is at the Bevilacqua teepee on October 11th. For those who do not have coup sticks, please bring a 1"x4" board to the meeting and we will use Paul's ultimate set of tools to rip you a coup stick, so you have somewhere to put all of these feathers your little brave is earning.
Big braves work with your little braves to help them prepare in earning their yellow (aims) and brown (IG prayer) feathers at the meeting. Bear claw braves work on the Blue beaded claw (maturity - that would be a tough one for me). Obviously, all other feathers and claws sought after are welcome as well.
Attached is the latest and greatest update of the roster. Byron, I think I finally fixed your #. Woo Hoo!
Have a large remainder of your hot and miserable September.
Although the wx was about the most hot and miserable to date in my eight years of doing this (which is why I have never attended the September campout before), a grand Creek time was had by all who attended this weekend. My condolences and props to those who braved the monsoon in tents Friday nite. The September recruitment campout did not provide any new recruits for Creek, however, it did bring about some Dried Up Creek (Lynch, Stankie, Schlierf, and Byrd) for Friday nite's festivities. I am sorry I missed that evening, but I am told it was a definite highlight of the weekend. Thanks Dried Up Creeks for enhancing our weekend!. You will be included in all future correspondence and are very welcome at any future Creek event of your choosing! We were priveleged to encounter another Dried Up Creek on Saturday evening. Rob Henry came out with his not so little princess, Becca, and three of her friends ("and by the way, could you find three dates for my friends?") - sorry, I had to do that.
Does anyone have Rob's current email address, as I want to add him to the Creek email roster.
Two Braves earned bear claws (red beads) on Saturday: congratulations Wolffang and Black Wolf! You are now officially on your way to your second Eagle. Keep up the good work!
Orange Monkey and Runny Fox also got ahead of the game in earning future feathers and claws. Runny Fox is well on the way to knowing the six aims for his yellow feather, while Orange Monkey knocked out a couple of the requirements for the red beaded bear claw, even though he is not officially working the bear claw program, yet. Nicely done young braves!
The competition for the title master chef is fierce as Dean has proven his worthiness amongst our tribe's already proven chefs. The Rosenquist cuisine included two options of perfectly cooked pork tenderloin and one chicken as well. Those cookies weren't bad, either. The bar has been raised.
Dean also was skillful in the art of draining the nation coup keeper of supplies, so that Creek is now well stocked with headbands, books and feathers. Make sure you let him know what you need at the next meeting.
George, how's those t-shirts coming? There is a groundswell of excitement as the new Creek shirts are about to be unveiled.
Next meeting is at the Bevilacqua teepee on October 11th. For those who do not have coup sticks, please bring a 1"x4" board to the meeting and we will use Paul's ultimate set of tools to rip you a coup stick, so you have somewhere to put all of these feathers your little brave is earning.
Big braves work with your little braves to help them prepare in earning their yellow (aims) and brown (IG prayer) feathers at the meeting. Bear claw braves work on the Blue beaded claw (maturity - that would be a tough one for me). Obviously, all other feathers and claws sought after are welcome as well.
Attached is the latest and greatest update of the roster. Byron, I think I finally fixed your #. Woo Hoo!
Have a large remainder of your hot and miserable September.
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