Dear Mom,
I just wanted to tell you how much I LOVE being in the Indian Guides. The Creek tribe has been having a blast this month. We had a great meeting over at the house of Bob Cat and Wild Cat where we made a really cool craft. It was a tomahawk, which I decorated and than displayed at the campout.
Our tribe has been really busy earning feathers this month, some of my friends have been earning a lot of feathers: Wild Cougar, Fire Dragon, and Lightning Dragon have been especially busy. Also, Tiger Teeth, and Wild Cat earned some feathers at the campout.
Our campout this month was at Wickham Park. It was pretty good weather on Friday, but Saturday got a little questionable. As a proud member of the Creek, we stuck it out, and made it through the storm on Saturday night. Our tribe set up the nation display this month, and used a very creative set of tripods to hang the Nation banner. One of our favorite activities as little braves is to “chill” around the fire. We have learned that “what goes in the fire, stays in the fire.” Also, we had a pretty extensive fire extinguisher briefing at the meeting by a little brave named Fire Lizard. His friend, Rattlesnake, showed us his new first aid kit, and explained how to stay safe.
At the Saturday of this month’s campout, we were VERY busy. We got to swim in the Wickham Park lake, play War Games, do our own tribal displays, and work on a bunch of feather awards. Some of the older little braves, got their yellow bead/bearclaw award for learning how to use the camp shovel, camp saw, and safety of both.
The war games are a lot of fun, we got to do the long run, corn toss, and pancake toss. But my favorite was set up by our own tribe—a toxic waste challenge. We got to work with our big braves, and as a group, we came up with a solution to move a can using only ropes. It was a fun game.
Our tribe ended up winning some great coup. I am very proud to be a member of my tribe, the Creek, especially when we win coup, and I earn feathers at the meetings and campout. This month, we won the mini peace pipe for our displays, and the mini war coup for our great performance at the Nation War Games.
Mom, the most important part of all these great times, are the special moments I get to spend with my Dad. I know I am so special to him, because it is so important for him to put me first in his busy schedule. I love the great times I get to have with my Big Brave, thanks for letting us have this quality time together.
If you want to see some of the special moments I have experienced with my dad, click on the flickr link on the blog:
Love, Your favorite Little Brave
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