Smoke Signals November 2007
Aho members of the Creek tribe,
I can hardly believe October is past, hope you all had a Happy Halloween. The Creek tribe had a busy, fun month, and a lot of good times were shared with Fathers and Sons!
Our tribal meeting was held last month at the Tiger Tooth teepee (Artz). The boys had a lot of fun playing in the pool and riverside activities. We had our campout the following weekend, for a somewhat damp weekend. However, we accomplished a lot as a tribe. Although we were not victorious, we submitted our first Golden Skillet entry in a long while. For those of you unfamiliar with this competition, on Friday nights at the campout, all the tribes can submit a meal entry for judging by the Nation Chief and council. We were narrowly beat out by the Osage tribe who submitted a “ringer” entry with their Oktoberfest meal including brats, sauerkraut etc. It would be nice to have a monthly Golden Skillet entry, and Tom Yardley, Medicine Man has some great ideas!!
The highlight of this month’s campout was the Little Braves feather awards. All Saturday afternoon, much effort was put forth to earn feathers. Feather earners were: Wild Cougar, Wolf Fang, Ice Lizard, Tiger Teeth, Wild Cat, and Bob Cat, and Fire Lizard.
A notable mention goes out to Bob Cat and Fire Lizard. They both earned all the feathers in the Feather Handbook, and were eligible to earn their coveted Eagle Feather. Good job to all the Little Braves. Photos are available on the blog!
Additionally, the tribe earned the arrowhead coup award for “Most Improved” tribe. We have definitely made an impact on the Nation Council, and they stand ready to see a lot of marks in the “win” category for the Creek tribe.
Next week (Nov. 11th) there will be a meeting at the Cloud teepee (Kontos). We have a couple of great crafts, skit practice, and a traditional tribal meeting, orchestrated by Fire Lizard, as he works on his Bear Claw awards. We should also have a T-shirt distriubution. Look for invitations addressed to the Little Braves in your mailboxes!! Please attend this meeting.
Our next campout will be at KARS November 16-18, we are gaining momentum as a tribe, so lets keep it rolling with a great turnout. As usual, we will have war games, great meals, great camaraderie, and some great fall camping weather (fingers crossed).
This month, the Feather award emphasized will be the “Black Feather”. It is earned by the Little Brave for giving Mom a night off, and planning, shopping for, and preparing a meal for that favorite lady in all our lives. After the meal, the mom should write a note stating her Little Brave has accomplished the requirements. This is a fun, easy feather to receive, so if any braves need it, now is the month.
We are registered for the Cocoa Beach Holiday Parade on December 8th. This is a super event for the Little Braves. Please mark your calendar for this date, and stand by for some upcoming dates for trailer (float) prep.
To all the braves of the Creek tribe, have a great week, and I will see you all at the Cloud teepee on November 11th.
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