Smoke Signals: (Mid-term report, Campout edition)
Aho Creeksters,
What a great meeting at the Cloud teepee this weekend. Thanks to the Kontos family for their awesome hospitality. We had some very creative craft projects completed by the Little and Big Braves.
This weekend, Nov 16-18 is the Mad Moon Campout at KARS park. We have some great activities lined up, and with a great weather weekend, there will be too much fun to be had by all.
Some items for camp consideration: Check for your name and duties required
We will be performing a skit on Saturday afternoon “displays”:
Coordinators: Kontos/Gay
Bring 2 pallets: Brophy
Bring vizqueen: Artz
Bring Dry ice: Yardley/Brophy
Bring Mulch chips: Gay
The Creek tribe is responsible for bringing the Nation trailer:
Bring to camp: Yardley
Haul away from camp: Pletcher
We need a volunteer to help Tom Brophy with pre-camp set-up on Friday.
We will be decorating the canoe as part of our craft display
Bring craft supplies: Pletcher
Friday night we will have an entry for the Golden skillet award:
Prep and serve: Yardley/Brophy
Mojito mix and serve: Artz
All members: Bring the old (coup stand) and new (leather necklace) Craft for display and coup sticks
George Artz, do you need a tent this weekend?
See attached Plan of the Weekend
Put December 8 on your calendar for the Cocoa Beach Christmas Parade
Check the blog http://www.creekofcanaveral.blogspot.com/ for photos from last week’s meeting
This week, one of our alumni, Ken Lynch will be bringing out T-shirts for us. Let’s work towards having 100% participation in wearing these shirts for Indian Guides functions. They will be required for the Christmas parade, as well as headbands.
Aho Creeksters,
What a great meeting at the Cloud teepee this weekend. Thanks to the Kontos family for their awesome hospitality. We had some very creative craft projects completed by the Little and Big Braves.
This weekend, Nov 16-18 is the Mad Moon Campout at KARS park. We have some great activities lined up, and with a great weather weekend, there will be too much fun to be had by all.
Some items for camp consideration: Check for your name and duties required
We will be performing a skit on Saturday afternoon “displays”:
Coordinators: Kontos/Gay
Bring 2 pallets: Brophy
Bring vizqueen: Artz
Bring Dry ice: Yardley/Brophy
Bring Mulch chips: Gay
The Creek tribe is responsible for bringing the Nation trailer:
Bring to camp: Yardley
Haul away from camp: Pletcher
We need a volunteer to help Tom Brophy with pre-camp set-up on Friday.
We will be decorating the canoe as part of our craft display
Bring craft supplies: Pletcher
Friday night we will have an entry for the Golden skillet award:
Prep and serve: Yardley/Brophy
Mojito mix and serve: Artz
All members: Bring the old (coup stand) and new (leather necklace) Craft for display and coup sticks
George Artz, do you need a tent this weekend?
See attached Plan of the Weekend
Put December 8 on your calendar for the Cocoa Beach Christmas Parade
Check the blog http://www.creekofcanaveral.blogspot.com/ for photos from last week’s meeting
This week, one of our alumni, Ken Lynch will be bringing out T-shirts for us. Let’s work towards having 100% participation in wearing these shirts for Indian Guides functions. They will be required for the Christmas parade, as well as headbands.
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