Aho Creeksters,
What a great weekend we had at KARS. The September campout is always a "fun" campout meaning there are no formal competitions between the tribes of the Canaveral nation. This past weekend, the Creek tribe managed to extract the full meaning from fun.
We had a great turnout, and were joined by some new families as well. This was a result of the Recruitment drive which was way more successful than any years' past. In fact, we have the following new families joining our Creek family: Bob M., Shelby P.. Matt M., Mike G., Jon H., and Machion D.
Also, the "old" Creeksters were out in full force, in attendance was the Lizard, Wolf, Fox, Cougar, Chameleon, Ray, Seahawk, Cheetah, Tiger, Monkey, and Fish families. Additionally, there was a rare Sachem sighting as Capt. Chuckles aka King Snake made a short appearance on Saturday afternoon. The tent city of teepees at the Creek campsite was the most impressive in recent history.
Even though there were no formal Nation activities, our Little Braves managed to create their own activities which epitomizes what this organization is all about. This included impromptu football games, Manhunt, excavation for gold and buried bodies, Sling King water balloon launches, and nocturnal raids on other tribes. There could be some revenge from Osage on that last one!! I think Sting Ray put the weekend in a nutshell for me when he enthusiastically reported to his dad, Mark, "Dad look how dirty my shirt is." This was after he had crawled out of the hole some of the braves had been digging, and subsequently filling with bubbles from dishwashing liquid.
Luckily the heat and mosquitoes (to some extent) were held at bay by the brisk Easterly breezes which was created by Hurricane Igor spinning way offshore in the Atlantic. Also, we had some more fine cuisine courtesy of "Siberian Tiger" aka Vince.
Congratulations to Wild Cougar, Orange Monkey, and Ice Lizard. They spent a portion of Saturday afternoon working on their Black Beads and Bearclaw award which requires them to review camp safety, and the safe usage of a bow saw, shovel, and knife. Additionally, they also had to use those tools to cut some wood, dig a trench within a safe zone, build a small cooking fire, and boil some water. Great job Little Braves!!!
Next month's meeting will be held at the Fox teepee in Cocoa B on Oct. 17, and the campout will be Oct 22-24 (no conflict with the Our Saviours Fair!) Please place these dates on your calendars, since we plan to see you then.
As always, this and other updates can be found on our tribal site: http://creekofcanaveral.blogspot.com/. On the right side of that site is a link for all the pictures of our activities from the recent activities. Check them out!!
Have a great month Creeksters!!
Chief Mighty Lizard
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