Having determined our caffiene needs to be coming up short, our Medicine Man has taken matters into his own hands.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Big Perco inbound
Having determined our caffiene needs to be coming up short, our Medicine Man has taken matters into his own hands.
Monday, September 20, 2010
September Campout Recap

Aho Creeksters,
What a great weekend we had at KARS. The September campout is always a "fun" campout meaning there are no formal competitions between the tribes of the Canaveral nation. This past weekend, the Creek tribe managed to extract the full meaning from fun.
We had a great turnout, and were joined by some new families as well. This was a result of the Recruitment drive which was way more successful than any years' past. In fact, we have the following new families joining our Creek family: Bob M., Shelby P.. Matt M., Mike G., Jon H., and Machion D.
Also, the "old" Creeksters were out in full force, in attendance was the Lizard, Wolf, Fox, Cougar, Chameleon, Ray, Seahawk, Cheetah, Tiger, Monkey, and Fish families. Additionally, there was a rare Sachem sighting as Capt. Chuckles aka King Snake made a short appearance on Saturday afternoon. The tent city of teepees at the Creek campsite was the most impressive in recent history.
Even though there were no formal Nation activities, our Little Braves managed to create their own activities which epitomizes what this organization is all about. This included impromptu football games, Manhunt, excavation for gold and buried bodies, Sling King water balloon launches, and nocturnal raids on other tribes. There could be some revenge from Osage on that last one!! I think Sting Ray put the weekend in a nutshell for me when he enthusiastically reported to his dad, Mark, "Dad look how dirty my shirt is." This was after he had crawled out of the hole some of the braves had been digging, and subsequently filling with bubbles from dishwashing liquid.
Luckily the heat and mosquitoes (to some extent) were held at bay by the brisk Easterly breezes which was created by Hurricane Igor spinning way offshore in the Atlantic. Also, we had some more fine cuisine courtesy of "Siberian Tiger" aka Vince.
Congratulations to Wild Cougar, Orange Monkey, and Ice Lizard. They spent a portion of Saturday afternoon working on their Black Beads and Bearclaw award which requires them to review camp safety, and the safe usage of a bow saw, shovel, and knife. Additionally, they also had to use those tools to cut some wood, dig a trench within a safe zone, build a small cooking fire, and boil some water. Great job Little Braves!!!
Next month's meeting will be held at the Fox teepee in Cocoa B on Oct. 17, and the campout will be Oct 22-24 (no conflict with the Our Saviours Fair!) Please place these dates on your calendars, since we plan to see you then.
As always, this and other updates can be found on our tribal site: http://creekofcanaveral.blogspot.com/. On the right side of that site is a link for all the pictures of our activities from the recent activities. Check them out!!
Have a great month Creeksters!!
Chief Mighty Lizard
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Sunday, September 19, 2010
Monday, September 13, 2010
From da Chief!!!!!

Aho Creeksters,
We had a great meeting yesterday. Thank you to the Cougar family for hosting! Our main activity was to work on the turquoise feather, which is the "swim" feather. Chief did not have a chance to sign off all of the Little Braves' feather books for this activity, but please bring them for signing at your first opportunity. If you still need a feather book, there is a link to the new and improved electronic version at http://creekofcanaveral.blogspot.com/
The tribe was edumacated by a couple of great presentations. Notably, Soaring Eagle earned his green feather with a great description of the symbols on Indian Guide headband and patch, and Ice Lizard earned his green and black beads by providing us some safety insights, as well as a great history of the Creek tribe and the locations that all of our Nation's tribes once existed.
This weekend is our September campout at KARS park. We typically converge on the park around dinner time. The tribe is not planning on providing dinner Friday, so feed the brave prior. We will however, be providing, breakfast Sat. and Sun, lunch and dinner Saturday. Lunch will be with the Nation, and it appears that the Creek campsite will be the focal point of much of the weekends flurry of activity. This is a fun campout, without any competitive events, and it is a great way to ease into another wonderful year of Indian Guides activities. We look forward to kicking back as a tribe, in the great outdoors, and spending time with our sons.
I will be posting any outstanding camp duties on the new Creek qlubb site. You will be seeing an email forthcoming on qlubb for said camp duties. For the new guys who intend to join us this weekend: a HEARTY welcome!!! The tribe has all the cooking gear, so just show up with a tent, sleeping bags, a camp chair, and a cooler for your drinks (for dads and kids). We've got the rest covered!!
We are pretty close to having all the dues paid up. If you still owe, it is $25 for the Nation, $15 for the YMCA, and $100 for the (most of) years' meals on the campout. Sorry to frontload all of the fees. Also, we still have some of the beautifully handcrafted indian vests available for a suggested donation of $10, courtesy of Orange Monkey's mom, Jeanine! Thanks Jeanine!!
Stand by for more emails about the upcoming campout. It will be fun, see you there. This would be a good week to purchase some insect repellent.
Chief Pletch
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Nation meeting Recap
The Canaveral Nation Indian Guides
September 1, 2010
Aho Canaveral Nation;
The purpose of this is to recap my notes from our recent meeting. Please forward this on to your tribes if they are interested. I feel we had a great meeting and we are off to a great start. I am looking forward the season coming up.
In Attendance
Nation Chief – Storm Cloud
Medicine Man – Grey Wolf
Wampum Bearer – Gray Wolf
Coup Keeper - Tomahawk
War Hooper – Screams Like Woman
Miami Chief – Golden Falcon
Osage Chief - Sani
Chippewa Chief – Big Cheetah
Navajo Chief – Fire Eyes
Council Reports
Wampum Bearer reported that we have approx $825.00 left in our account. No money is due, except a reimbursement to Medicine man for $50.00. Trailer registrations are available and will be matched up with the trailers at the campout
Tally Keeper has updated most of the website info . Tally Keeper will check into updating the website registration. Tally Keeper needs to train the new Webspinner to get him going on his tasks.
Coup Keeper cleaned out the coup “box” to begin a project to archive some of the old documents so we can show off our history more. He has provided a box of old documents for our use. .
Thunder Maker – no report this meeting. Reminder, need to set up the sound system at the recruitment campout.
War Hooper – no additional report. Will look into more pyro and fire starting techniques, and look into torches for our ceremonies.
State Chief: - The state chief updated the status of the state campout planning for KARS Park. Plans are coming together quickly. Some ideas have included a Friday Fire Walk and ceremony (by us!). A Saturday bar-b-que, talent show, and State Champ Pinewood Derby. Shows by the Air Force and Coast Guard may be able to be arranged. Tribes will be asked to help in raising $ and donations for the raffle. Chiefs need to discuss this with their tribes. A fundraising letter will be sent out for use in soliciting donations.
Old Business
TIPI Pole Covers – Medicine Man acquired the material for the tipi pole covers form the vendor suggested by Chippewa Chief. He will bring it to the campout and we will all work together figure out the best way to use the material to protect the poles.
Recruitment Flyers – We have flyers and Chief has been working to distribute them to the schools. Chief will email the flyers to the council. Everyone is encouraged to get these out at sport events, activities, etc. See attached updated distribution report. Miami chief will contact Divine Mercy. Chief will contact Our Saviours. I don’t remember who said they would contact St. Mary’s.
Calendar: - The January Campout date is due to be decided by the October meeting. There seemed to be a lot of interest in Moss Park. Chiefs need to discuss with their tribes and be ready to finalize this.
New Business
Chief will contact Florida Today to see about some free promotions for our organization and events.
Tally Keeper will contact KARS and give them our schedule.
Chief will contact Designers Choice for firewood distribution.
Osage Chief will contact the Triangle auto place for some free advertising on their message board.
Business card were distributed. I have more if anyone wants them
State chief will put add in the KSC bulletin.
Campout Planning Package
The bar-b-que will begin at noon and will include burgers, hot dogs, etc. We will meet on Thursday September 16th at 6:30 at B.J,s to shop for food, drinks, and supplies.
Wampum Bearer will arrange for meat from Hayes.
We need as many coolers as possible.
The TIPI will be set up and we will have the events near there (by Creek)
All tribes should fully set up their displays to show off the traditions and what we are all about.
Each tribe should plan an activity, either a craft, a war game, or both.
We will cook as needed throughout the day to accommodate sports, etc.
Medicine Man will ask the Great Spirit to provide good weather.
We can expect good results from our efforts in recruiting and planning if the commitment and dedications continues. Please remember to keep in mind we are in this for our sons first. Our council’s commitment to our children should be our number one guide.
Our next meeting is October 6th, same place, same time
“Storm Cloud”
Nation Chief
Flyers Distribution
Lewis Carroll : Dropped off, they are going to students on Friday.
Audubon: Need to drop off. The will provide a letter for us to attach to each one so we don’t have to pay the .05 per copy. She will need them by Friday a.m.
Roosevelt: dropped off, they will call if principal says it is approved. Will have to pay .05 per copy.
Freedom Seven. I emailed the flyer to the secretary for approval. If o.k. I will drop them off and pay the .05 per copy.
Tropical: Wants 20 packs of 12 each, Will drop off whenever, there is no timetable. Flyers are ready and sorted I will drop them off tomorrow.
Stevenson: We missed the September Deadline. Need to turn in by 9/24 to make October.
Capeview: Will drop off sorted as requested. Need to pay the .05 per copy.
St. Marys; I don’t remember who said they would contact St. Mary’s
Our Saviours: I will contact to see what to do
Divine Mercy: Miami Chief will contact to see what to do.
September 1, 2010
Aho Canaveral Nation;
The purpose of this is to recap my notes from our recent meeting. Please forward this on to your tribes if they are interested. I feel we had a great meeting and we are off to a great start. I am looking forward the season coming up.
In Attendance
Nation Chief – Storm Cloud
Medicine Man – Grey Wolf
Wampum Bearer – Gray Wolf
Coup Keeper - Tomahawk
War Hooper – Screams Like Woman
Miami Chief – Golden Falcon
Osage Chief - Sani
Chippewa Chief – Big Cheetah
Navajo Chief – Fire Eyes
Council Reports
Wampum Bearer reported that we have approx $825.00 left in our account. No money is due, except a reimbursement to Medicine man for $50.00. Trailer registrations are available and will be matched up with the trailers at the campout
Tally Keeper has updated most of the website info . Tally Keeper will check into updating the website registration. Tally Keeper needs to train the new Webspinner to get him going on his tasks.
Coup Keeper cleaned out the coup “box” to begin a project to archive some of the old documents so we can show off our history more. He has provided a box of old documents for our use. .
Thunder Maker – no report this meeting. Reminder, need to set up the sound system at the recruitment campout.
War Hooper – no additional report. Will look into more pyro and fire starting techniques, and look into torches for our ceremonies.
State Chief: - The state chief updated the status of the state campout planning for KARS Park. Plans are coming together quickly. Some ideas have included a Friday Fire Walk and ceremony (by us!). A Saturday bar-b-que, talent show, and State Champ Pinewood Derby. Shows by the Air Force and Coast Guard may be able to be arranged. Tribes will be asked to help in raising $ and donations for the raffle. Chiefs need to discuss this with their tribes. A fundraising letter will be sent out for use in soliciting donations.
Old Business
TIPI Pole Covers – Medicine Man acquired the material for the tipi pole covers form the vendor suggested by Chippewa Chief. He will bring it to the campout and we will all work together figure out the best way to use the material to protect the poles.
Recruitment Flyers – We have flyers and Chief has been working to distribute them to the schools. Chief will email the flyers to the council. Everyone is encouraged to get these out at sport events, activities, etc. See attached updated distribution report. Miami chief will contact Divine Mercy. Chief will contact Our Saviours. I don’t remember who said they would contact St. Mary’s.
Calendar: - The January Campout date is due to be decided by the October meeting. There seemed to be a lot of interest in Moss Park. Chiefs need to discuss with their tribes and be ready to finalize this.
New Business
Chief will contact Florida Today to see about some free promotions for our organization and events.
Tally Keeper will contact KARS and give them our schedule.
Chief will contact Designers Choice for firewood distribution.
Osage Chief will contact the Triangle auto place for some free advertising on their message board.
Business card were distributed. I have more if anyone wants them
State chief will put add in the KSC bulletin.
Campout Planning Package
The bar-b-que will begin at noon and will include burgers, hot dogs, etc. We will meet on Thursday September 16th at 6:30 at B.J,s to shop for food, drinks, and supplies.
Wampum Bearer will arrange for meat from Hayes.
We need as many coolers as possible.
The TIPI will be set up and we will have the events near there (by Creek)
All tribes should fully set up their displays to show off the traditions and what we are all about.
Each tribe should plan an activity, either a craft, a war game, or both.
We will cook as needed throughout the day to accommodate sports, etc.
Medicine Man will ask the Great Spirit to provide good weather.
We can expect good results from our efforts in recruiting and planning if the commitment and dedications continues. Please remember to keep in mind we are in this for our sons first. Our council’s commitment to our children should be our number one guide.
Our next meeting is October 6th, same place, same time
“Storm Cloud”
Nation Chief
Flyers Distribution
Lewis Carroll : Dropped off, they are going to students on Friday.
Audubon: Need to drop off. The will provide a letter for us to attach to each one so we don’t have to pay the .05 per copy. She will need them by Friday a.m.
Roosevelt: dropped off, they will call if principal says it is approved. Will have to pay .05 per copy.
Freedom Seven. I emailed the flyer to the secretary for approval. If o.k. I will drop them off and pay the .05 per copy.
Tropical: Wants 20 packs of 12 each, Will drop off whenever, there is no timetable. Flyers are ready and sorted I will drop them off tomorrow.
Stevenson: We missed the September Deadline. Need to turn in by 9/24 to make October.
Capeview: Will drop off sorted as requested. Need to pay the .05 per copy.
St. Marys; I don’t remember who said they would contact St. Mary’s
Our Saviours: I will contact to see what to do
Divine Mercy: Miami Chief will contact to see what to do.
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