Aho Creeksters,
The tribal elders have just completed a meeting at the teepee of Watching Fox where he deftly demonstrated his technique for smoking fresh killed game, and transforming it into a mouth watering brisket.
We discussed a few items of interest which are here for your dissemination:
As always, there is a bunch of good info on the Creek tribe blog: http://creekofcanaveral.blogspot.com/
Of specific note is the updated calendar for the 2010-2011 season.
The next meeting is the 15th of August at 1300 in Melbourne at the On the Edge Rockclimbing gym. This is a DO NOT MISS!!
Check blog for the gym's website. There will be a requirement for a liability waiver, and they can be downloaded from the site. More to follow for next week, but PUT THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR!! August 15th at 1300
The link to the Nation website (with recent updates): http://canaveralnation.net/index.htm
Our September Creek activities will begin at the Cougar den, that date will be September 12th on the shores of the Indian River in Rockledge. Another great meeting by the Rachels' family is assured.
The September campout is to be held September 17-19.
Stand by for another email with an attachment including the jobs sign ups for the monthly campouts, as well as the family hosting each monthly meeting. Also, the highly technologically inclined Medicated Man will be providing a calendar which is "Outlook friendly" and will self populate to your computer's calendar systems.
In reference to the jobs/meetings sign ups, please be prepared to volunteer for some of these tribal duties. This tribe is on a roll, and the main reason is due to the Creek "can do" spirit, and having a group of self starters always willing to assist.
On the blog there is also a recap of the last Nation's meeting.
We always need new members, and if you know of a father and son who would like to spend quality time pursuing quality activities with a quality bunch of dudes, invite them to Sunday's meeting.
On the back burner of your mind: Dues for the YMCA and the Indian Guides will be due on or about the first campout in September. YMCA dues are approx. $25 and Canaveral Nation dues are approx. $15. There is a small fee to camp at KARS per night approx. $5, and we will be taking up a collection for food for the year which amount is TBD. We will discuss the appropriate amount for the food fund at the Sunday meeting next.
I will be sending some other emails this week, with some more specifics. Hope everyone has a great 1st day of school tomorrow, and we'll see the whole dang tribe next Sunday.
Pletch out
The tribal elders have just completed a meeting at the teepee of Watching Fox where he deftly demonstrated his technique for smoking fresh killed game, and transforming it into a mouth watering brisket.
We discussed a few items of interest which are here for your dissemination:
As always, there is a bunch of good info on the Creek tribe blog: http://creekofcanaveral.blogspot.com/
Of specific note is the updated calendar for the 2010-2011 season.
The next meeting is the 15th of August at 1300 in Melbourne at the On the Edge Rockclimbing gym. This is a DO NOT MISS!!
Check blog for the gym's website. There will be a requirement for a liability waiver, and they can be downloaded from the site. More to follow for next week, but PUT THIS DATE ON YOUR CALENDAR!! August 15th at 1300
The link to the Nation website (with recent updates): http://canaveralnation.net/index.htm
Our September Creek activities will begin at the Cougar den, that date will be September 12th on the shores of the Indian River in Rockledge. Another great meeting by the Rachels' family is assured.
The September campout is to be held September 17-19.
Stand by for another email with an attachment including the jobs sign ups for the monthly campouts, as well as the family hosting each monthly meeting. Also, the highly technologically inclined Medicated Man will be providing a calendar which is "Outlook friendly" and will self populate to your computer's calendar systems.
In reference to the jobs/meetings sign ups, please be prepared to volunteer for some of these tribal duties. This tribe is on a roll, and the main reason is due to the Creek "can do" spirit, and having a group of self starters always willing to assist.
On the blog there is also a recap of the last Nation's meeting.
We always need new members, and if you know of a father and son who would like to spend quality time pursuing quality activities with a quality bunch of dudes, invite them to Sunday's meeting.
On the back burner of your mind: Dues for the YMCA and the Indian Guides will be due on or about the first campout in September. YMCA dues are approx. $25 and Canaveral Nation dues are approx. $15. There is a small fee to camp at KARS per night approx. $5, and we will be taking up a collection for food for the year which amount is TBD. We will discuss the appropriate amount for the food fund at the Sunday meeting next.
I will be sending some other emails this week, with some more specifics. Hope everyone has a great 1st day of school tomorrow, and we'll see the whole dang tribe next Sunday.
Pletch out
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