Aho Creek!
Totally outstanding campout!
All of the hard work that went into the Creek pinewood horse fleet was well spent. All Creek cars were creative and fast or slow, performed admirably on the new and speedy Long Trail Track of the Canaveral Nation. This year's slowest times were faster than last year's nation winning time. So let your little braves know that even if they didn't win, they kicked booty over last year's entire nation in performance (we'll say the new track contributed 10% - LOL).
The Lizard and Cougar families kept in step with their tradition of building the tribal speedsters, and showed to be the four fastest cars in the tribe, three of which moved on to the finals.
Of those three, Growling Cougar took third place in the entire nation, with Running Cougar and Ice Lizard right behind, taking 4th and 5th in the nation. To put this into perspective, Creek took 3rd, 4th, and 5th fastest in the nation among a field of 86 speedy cars. To boot, these times were literally separated by mere thousandths of a second from the first and second place cars! Awesome job guys!
For those cars not quite as speedy as our formula one families, your little braves should all be very proud and pleased with the work they did. The coolest part of this event is the building of the cars, with father and son doing some wood working together, regardless of the percentage of who did what.
Chief fully expects that the Cougar/Lizard families will provide some easy to follow cook book steps in written form so that the rest of Creek may emmulate their consistent success in the future.
Following a scrumptuous Saturday evening meal of four cheese pasta w/stir fry veggies and salad put on by our master chef Gray Wolf (Sachem) with assistance from Chief, Watching Fox and Hovering Seahawk took to task the preparation of some serious chile for the Creek entries in the chile cookoff.
In all seven entries were put forth for the tribal chiefs to judge. Many entries were outstanding, including the two from Creek, but in the end, the chosen chile arose from the Chippewa tribe. You know all of the chile entries rockes as not one bite was left over after the nation finished chowing down. A great time was had and Creek hosted the cookoff in class style, providing excellent refreshment and condiments to accompany the entries. Nice job Byron and Rick! Large numbers of braves remained for quite a while, but as the time elapsed well beyond our quiet hours, the numbers slowly waned and all were retired prior to midnight, to commence blissful slumber in perfect camping weather.
In all, the weather was great, the races were great, the chow was great, the relaxation was great, and the comraderie for all braves big and small was great. Other than that, I guess this campout sucked.
Wait til you guys hear what we are planning for the March meeting. Mark the 14th on your calendars, because you will NOT want to miss this one. For a sneak peak, the idea was hatched Sunday morning between chief and medicine man, presented to the small group of big braves after breakfast, at which time Watching Fox elevated the idea to another level. When we thought it couldn't get any better, Gray Wolf of the Bevilacqua family took the idea into the stratosphere and is researching it as we speak. I'll just say this - if you think your little brave may be into guns, fishing, and hiking - then this event will be a MUST DO (to put it into Pletch 'speak').
More to follow.
Great weekend dudes -
Chuckles out
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