Aho Super Creek,
For those of you who were unable to attend, here is a quick recap of the January meeting held at the Cougar Teepee.
Many old and wise, as well as new and fresh families braved the arctic temperatures outdoors on the shores of the mighty Indian River Lagoon.
Chief was unable to attend the bulk of the meeting, but due to extraordinarily diligent minute keeping from Hovering Seahawk (Rick Main, still holding but rapidly shedding FNG status), I am able to provide this recap. Thanks Rick!
The meeting was conducted by Wolf Fang of the Brophy Wolf family. He did an outstanding job of providing a history of the Creek Tribe (the real one) and their movement westward, complete with Q&A follow up. He also explained in detail the making of our craft, the God's Eye. Nice work and preparation on both counts!
Following the craft, Wolf Fang continued his leadership role and initiated the earning of coup amongst the other little braves. Again, our motivated braves earned numerous feathers, along with Wolf Fang earning his brown beaded bear claw.
Running Fox earned his Blue (good conduct at three meetings), Black (cooking for mom) and White (three crafts) feathers.
Soaring Eagle followed in suit also with the Blue and White feathers.
Soaring Seahawk (I hope I got that right) jumped right in and earned his yellow (citing the six aims) and brown (the indian guide prayer) at his very first official meeting!
Finally, Wolf Fang moved one step closer to his second eagle feather by earning the brown beaded bear claw.
Outstanding work by the above little braves!
Regarding feathers and claws, please respond to Bob Henry's email and give him updates on your little brave's feather/claw status. We want to make sure that whenever anyone is close to an eagle feather, we are on top of it.
Running Fox and Josh Rivas (Indian Name TBA) were also recognized by Wise Cougar for taking on some responsiblity for the tribe (I missed it but I think it was for helping to dry off the massive blow up obstacle course/slide which was available for all little braves to play on). Taking responsibility for the good of the tribe and fellow braves is always worthy of note!
The official meeting was adjourned by Wolf Fang and the little braves tried their skills at the obstacle course while the big braves planned future events (quickly as the arctic chill began to have its affect on even the most hardened big braves).
All camping 'go to dudes' are as in my previous smoke signal regarding same.
Creek will not only enter the golden skillet, but the wing contest as well, with left over wings provided by Grounded Eagle from the last campout. Watching Fox has volunteered to spearhead both events. I thank the Great Spirit we are blessed with a plethora of awesome master chefs, because if it was left in my hands, we would not only lose but most likely starve (I am cooking in one of these upcoming campouts, so word to the wise).
We had three MORE potential new families attend this meeting, all brought by Dean, who is now in serious competition with Bill Rachels for the Recruitment Czar title.
Welcome to the Craig family, the Grainger family, and the Jessup Family! We are glad you checked us out and look forward to your adding to our exponentially increasing numbers. When you guys decide to officially join, please provide me with you and your little brave/s names, plus Indian names when you come up with them, home addresses, and contact numbers (home and/or cell). Again, welcome!
Attached are the feather book and roster (Dean has a new email address, so take note) spoken of at the meeting.
A quick rundown of future event dates: Jan 15-17 - Snow Moon Campout (formal) KARS park
Feb 14 (we may have to move that up a week because of VDay) - meeting at Rosenquist Teepee for pinewood derby car making
Feb 19-21 - Hunger Moon Campout KARS park (pinewood derby)
Mar 14 - Meeting at Henry Teepee (or special outing if decided)
Mar 18-21 - State PowWow
Apr 18 - Meeting at Artz Teepee (host may change)
Apr 23-25 - Grass Moon campout (formal and family) KARS park
May 9 - Meeting at Gay (for those of you brand new FNGs that is my last name, so we are not attempting to start any kind of new branch of Indian Guides) teepee (or special outing if decided)
May 14-16 - Planting Moon campout (nation banquet/informal campout)
Golf fundraiser (Elk's lodge) - TBA - Broph has been told tickets are ready for pick-up.
For those who were not able to make the meeting, please don't forget $5 this camp weekend to go towards our Fri and Sat competition entries. Again, camping fees are $5/nite/tent + $5 to the nation for the weekend (if you camp two nites the total is $15).
Following the incredibly organized, well run, and expeditious dad's meeting (LOL) - numerous coup sticks were ripped by Gray Wolf of the Bevilacqua family for all of our FNGs. Thanks for the handywork Paul!
The scribe ended his minutes with his being questioned by the host regarding his intentions with the remainder of the host's fire water, at which point he most wisely decided it best to return to the comfort of his own teepee and fire water. Again, thanks to Hovering Seahawk for scribing these minutes and thanks to Wise Cougar for opening his teepee (not to mention the largest residential blow up obstacle course I've ever seen) to us for the meeting, and thanks to Wolf Fang for doing a great job in running the meeting.
See you all this weekend.
Stay warm!
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