Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Little Braves after the canoe trip

Today the Creek tribe gathered at the Dragon cave for a monthly tribal meeting. We kicked off with an unusual tribute to the Great Spirit led by our Medicine man, which was followed up by a values and behavior dialogue by Chuckles. Skylar continued his progression towards his 3rd Eagle feather, by earning 2 eagle claws today. The main activity was of course, a canoe trip. It was an upwind paddle to the 1000 Islands Mangrove Tunnel. Some towing was accomplished as Roark, Ryan, and Devin fought the wind and steering challenges. However, we made it to the entrance directly across from Ramp Road, and entered the native Florida fauna waterborne trail. After a U-turn, the downwinder was a bit easier. Post paddle braves are shown here, displaying one of the 2 projects Caleb has completed and presented to the tribe. As the little braves wound down, the Big Braves discussed upcoming raffle ticket fundraiser commitment followed by t-shirt design ideas, and preliminary planning for the Pow-Wow. What better way for a father and son to spend a beautiful Central Florida day? The question was rhetorical, the message real. Creek's in the house.

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