Sunday, March 22, 2009

Site of the 2009 State Pow Wow`

If you were there, it was fun, if you missed it, we missed you. We had three Creek families which totalled 10 campers attend this year's State event. It was marked by nearly perfect weather in a pristine site in Umatilla Florida. We met on Friday afternoon for the caravan at US1 and 528, trailering 2 equipment trailers. Our travels took us through old Florida traversing the lands North of Orlando, through Lake and Marion counties. For dinner, we arrived at the Crazy Gator on the shores of Lake Eusits, since Tom was offended by the beauty of the waitresses at Tom's Shucker House. Since camp had already been prepared, we stopped at Winn Dixie, Charlie got a Winn Dixie card and we saved big on groceries for the weekend. So much so, that Saturday evening meal was a delish rib eye feast which capped the day full of father and son (daughter) activities including the ropes course, critter race (2nd place by Lizard Princess--of the STATE) archery, marshmallow gun wars, Slip and Slide and all around Y Guide, Florida Fun. Tom Cat has stepped up for the position of Tribal Chief next year, and only one conflagaration was noted between the CIW (Chief in Waiting)and Mighty Lizard. Chuckles mediated for a peaceful outcome and we all jammed to Robie's fireside guitar tunes. The hosting Nation put on a sweet broken arrow ceremony, and reminded all of us dads how important our role is in our kid's lives. We missed all the guys who could not make it.

Creek prepares to climb the ropes!!!

Fully equipped for the ropes course

Ropes Confidence course

Brave warriors of the Creek tribe are two stories up on the ropes course exhibiting teamwork, confidence, and skill

Creek campsite view

Not too shabby of a real estate view is observed from the Creek site at Umatilla.

Creek's in da house!!!

The Creek camp at Umatilla

Lizards prepare on the archery range

Brother and Sister Lizard squad prepares to fire!!!!!!

John the Archer

A Creek warrior prepares for battle fitness

Skylar shoots

A Creek little brave prepares to let an arrow fly

Some archery practice

Yard bird demonstrates pristine archery style

Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Little Braves after the canoe trip

Today the Creek tribe gathered at the Dragon cave for a monthly tribal meeting. We kicked off with an unusual tribute to the Great Spirit led by our Medicine man, which was followed up by a values and behavior dialogue by Chuckles. Skylar continued his progression towards his 3rd Eagle feather, by earning 2 eagle claws today. The main activity was of course, a canoe trip. It was an upwind paddle to the 1000 Islands Mangrove Tunnel. Some towing was accomplished as Roark, Ryan, and Devin fought the wind and steering challenges. However, we made it to the entrance directly across from Ramp Road, and entered the native Florida fauna waterborne trail. After a U-turn, the downwinder was a bit easier. Post paddle braves are shown here, displaying one of the 2 projects Caleb has completed and presented to the tribe. As the little braves wound down, the Big Braves discussed upcoming raffle ticket fundraiser commitment followed by t-shirt design ideas, and preliminary planning for the Pow-Wow. What better way for a father and son to spend a beautiful Central Florida day? The question was rhetorical, the message real. Creek's in the house.

Chuckles canoe team is in da wild!!

Entering Mangrove land

The tribe enjoys a beautiful paddle through native Florida

An Indian maiden canoes in FL

Chuckles gets a free ride

The Cheif is caugt in a canoe/kayak traffic jam

The Bill Rach canoe team

The George (s) kayak

The Creek "gaggle" heads out

Canoeing was the centerpiece of today's meeting, as the tribe is shown here making its way toward the mangrove tunnel of the 1000 Islands.

Skylar earns another Eagle claw

Sky is rocketing towards his 3rd Eagle feather as he demos a new skill with his "whittler"

The meeting shapes up

Caleb presents new feather box

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Canoe trip this Saturday

Aho Braves,

Join the Creek tribe as we paddle the 1000 Islands Saturday afternoon in Cocoa Beach.

Little Braves at Elks

The little Braves did quite a job assisting with serving, waiting, clean up and eating

Elks Spagetti Dinner

Thanks to all who made this event a great fundraiser. We had 77 plates served, and had guests from as far as Rockledge. Here is a photo of the master kitchen squad