Creek April Campout 2008 (as told by Mighty Lizard--new Sachem)
One of the best campouts ever!! The tribe enjoyed perfect weather, great times, and lots of father and son bonding.
Friday night we had some special guests show up for the Wing Cook off. Dried up Creek members from years past joined us for some campfire camaraderie. We dined on superb wings brought by George including 3 different kinds of sauces. We were testing out the tribe’s cooking equipment, and we’ll be looking for some more wing events in the future. One of the emphasis will be to avoid any future flare-ups from the grease and ensuing pyrotechnics display.Dads enjoyed some camp camaderie as the boys sat for hours around the campfire. We all enjoyed the classic vinyl station pumped through the Sirius radio.
Meals were great as prepared by Broph, Saturday’s meal was superb pork tenderloin prepared for 25!! A Creek dessert favorite was prepared, than consumed by the Little Braves—SMORES!!
Even though sports participation outside the camp was in full gear, the tribe’s overall performance reached new heights. In fact, of all the Little Braves who were whisked off to outside sporting events, everyone asked to stay with the Tribe. In the Long Run, we had notable performances by Ice Lizard, Fire Lizard and Tiger Teeth.
Our War Game was a huge hit, the Baseball throw was enjoyed by all the dads and boys alike. The Cherokee horseshoe toss, and the Navajo Cup o’ Water challenge rounded out a very exciting afternoon.
The Creek displays were awesome, especially as Rattlesnake showed off his crafts for the 2nd Eagle Feather. He constructed an Indian calendar, as well as a knot display.
Speaking of Eagle Feathers, at Saturday’s Nation campfire, Little Braves of the Creek were awarded 5 Eagle Feathers. I say again, a Canaveral nation record—5 Eagle Feathers. This culminates a lot of blood, sweat and tears for the following Little Braves: Wild Cat, Black Wolf, Wolf Fang, Ice Lizard and Rattlesnake (2nd Eagle Feather). These little Braves have much to be proud of, and have inspired all the tribe’s Little Braves.
Much surprise and cheering ensued at Sunday’s closing ceremony. The Creek was awarded 3 of the most highly coveted coup. After scoring blue ribbons in the Baseball throw, and the Cup o’Water wargame challenges, the tribe scored highest and walked away with the Nation War Coup—the highest honor of the campout!! In addition, we won the War Game spear for the best War Game and the Mini Peace Pipe for runner up for displays. This was no small feat, and all the members of the mighty Creek tribe have much to be proud of. As the cheer went up for Creek, we got another surprise as Bob Cat lost a tooth in the fervor of victory we were enjoying.
Sunday, the camp break down was a cinch! It was acclaimed as the fastest Creek camp break down in history. This was through the efforts of all the Big and Little Braves cooperation with each other, and the pride and spirit the tribe has grown to through a very exciting year.
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