Aho Mighty Creek! (as posted by Gray Wolf, stepping up to Chief!)
The Canaveral Nation’s camp-out (Moon of Aging-Out) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was great!!! In my opinion, correct me if I speak with fork tongue my fellow participants.
To start, camp set-up went fairly easy thanks, to the pre-positioning of the tribe’s equipment/tools by the oh so missed presence of the Cats and the help of the Cougar's with selection and orientation which made for easy access and circulation between the various teepees and the long house. The Lizards arrived at the weekend’s rendezvous with weekend’s supplies. All the while listening to the background music of the Monkeys, some friends of Bob Henry, despite the fact that they were fishing in the Banana River catching redfish. As dusk arrived so did the Tigers with the evening’s kill (chicken wings) to be deep fat fried and laden with sauces from the village of the Coconut. Celebration around the campfires of the nation continued into the morning hours of the big and little brave’s Friday.
Saturday brought an early rise, except for the Cougars, to the tribe with the smell of coffee, bacon and sausage, pancakes and eggs prepared on the tribe’s aged kitchen. As usual there was running around, done by the big and little braves of all the tribes to the sporting events prior to the nation’s war games.
The Creek took many coupe on the field of combat as witnessed by the taking of the war-game coupe, nation war coupe, and mini peace pipe which is equal to winning two (2) out of three (3) of the nation’s war games. The successful taking of coupe can be recognized as a result of the cunning set-up of the tribe’s war-game by Grey Wolf (Paul B.) and Gray Wolf (Tom B.) along with the late arrival by Bobcat, Wildcat, and Black Wolf and their skills to push the tribe past Cherokee and Navajo advances. The evening was ushered in by a celebratory meal of roasted tenderloin of hog, Mac and Cheese with poached greens for a serving of twenty-five (25), all to be worked off by the tribe at the ceremonial fire-walk.
The scared Fire-Walk steered toward the presentation of five (5) advancement awards to the following Creek little braves:
o Rattle Snake – Bear Claw
o Wolf Fang – Eagle Feather
o Ice Lizard – Eagle Feather
o Wildcat – Eagle Feather
o Black Wolf – Eagle feather
Upon closing the nation’s Saturday night ceremonies, the attending Creek tribal elders made much reflection as to the continuation of previous leadership deliberations concerning the passing tribal leadership for the many moons of 2009. Gray Wolf volunteered, to the many cajoles of the big braves, providing Mighty Lizard and King Snake become Sachem once and twice removed to offer council for this path of direction to be taken on the setting of the evening’s moon.
Sunday fetched in another of the Great Spirit’s stunning Florida sunrise and another tribal breakfast with good coffee, fruit, juice, and organically raised cows, hogs and hens staples from the farm of the white eyes at Publix trading post. Once the tribes divided the nation’s coupe the Creek broke camp and headed to their family lodges.