Sunday, December 7, 2008
Smoke Signals for the Mighty Creek
Chief Broph sez:
CREEK SMOKE SIGNALS – November 24, 2008
The Canaveral Nation’s camp-out (Mad Moon Camp-out) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was great!!! In my opinion, correct me if I speak with fork tongue my fellow participants it was a tad bit on the cold and windy side of Florida’s climate.
To start, camp set-up went fairly easy in the dark thanks, to the arrival of the tribe’s equipment/tools and the presence of the Cocoa Beach and Cheyenne Wolves, Cats and the help of the Cougar's with selection and orientation, which made for easy access and circulation between the various teepees and the long house. The Lizards arrived at the weekend’s rendezvous with weekend’s supply of firewood and goods for the weekend.
Saturday brought an early rise, except for the Cougars, to the tribe with the smell of coffee, bacon, and pancakes prepared on the tribe’s new kitchen equipment.
The Creek took many coupe on the field of combat as witnessed by the taking of the mini war coupe, and the Nation peace pipe which is equal to winning two (2) out of three (3) of the nation’s war games and best in display. The successful taking of coupe can be recognized as a result of the tribe’s football talents of Grey Wolf (Paul B.) and Wild Cat (John Y.) along with the great presentation skills of Ice Lizard and Wild Cougar and the young brave’s craft skills by creating reindeer from palm fronds. The evening brought the arrival of the Tigers with possible new braves John and Devin Stremmel of Cocoa Beach through the enticing smell of the celebratory meal. Medicine Man with the help from your Chief roasted tenderloin of hog, steamed saffron rice with black beans and sautéed green, red, and yellow sweet peppers which was worked off by the tribe at the ceremonial fire-walk.
Sunday fetched in another of the Great Spirit’s stunning Florida sunrise with a bit of chill in the air and another tribal breakfast of good coffee, fruit juice, and organically raised bacon and eggs with pancakes from the farm of the white eyes at Publix trading post. Once the tribes divided the nation’s coupe the Creek broke camp and headed to their family lodges.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
The Whole Tribe
The Creek Little Braves posing
Friday, October 31, 2008
How to Register 2008-2009 Indian Guides
1. The Nation Secure Site is up and running for Canaveral Nation Y-Guides registration.
2. Link is available from the nation website (My Canaveral Link) or access here Use for initial logon email and 'palsforever' for initial password.
3. Once you're in you will be asked to create your own user ID (your email address) and a password. Then complete the registration form.
4. Email if you have any problems.
2. Link is available from the nation website (My Canaveral Link) or access here Use for initial logon email and 'palsforever' for initial password.
3. Once you're in you will be asked to create your own user ID (your email address) and a password. Then complete the registration form.
4. Email if you have any problems.
Creek Smoke Signals
CREEK SMOKE SIGNALS – October 31, 2008
The Canaveral Nation Council gathered in the hammock over looking the Banana River west of the Cape Friday night (10-24-08) for the Falling Leaf Moon camp-out. However, the tribe of the Mighty Creek was nowhere to be seen. In spite of this, your chief managed to be in attendance for the council meeting Saturday morning (10-25-08). The following were topics of discussion:
o The Nation Council and Tribal Chiefs had discussions and edits to the Nation’s constitution and by-laws. A finalization of the document will be available within the month for use on the Nation’s website.
o All families of the tribes are required to register for this Indian Guide’s season. The following are directions for the 2008/2009-season registration:
1. The Nation Secure Site is up and running for Canaveral Nation Y-Guides registration.
2. Link is available from the nation website (My Canaveral Link) or access here Use for initial logon email and 'palsforever' for initial password.
3. Once you're in you will be asked to create your own user ID (your email address) and a password. Then complete the registration form.
4. Email if you have any problems.
o The absence of the Creek tribe Friday night and will the Creek be arranging and participating in the war games.
Yes, the following families represented the Creek that day:
o Wolf (Brophy)
o Monkey (Henry)
o Cat (Yardley)
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Publix fundraiser--Mark your calendars
This Saturday the 13th of September from 10-2, the Creek will be conducting its annual Publix fundraiser. View all the wise words from the chief here:
Aho Mighty Braves of the Creek,
Just a reminder, our annual fundraising at Publix Cocoa Beach is this coming weekend (Saturday 9-13). Please set aside this weekend of September 13th at 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM so we can have a profitable panhandling event. Last year’s event was incredibly profitable for the tribe; the funds were used throughout last years’ season. I'm thinking that we can approach this event in two (2) shifts. The first shift would be 10- 12 and the second would be 12-2. All participants will need to wear the tribe’s tee shirt, headband, and/or vest; so we are not perceived to be homeless. Geoff will be bringing a tri-fold banner we used last year. I believe Tom Yardley could bring the tripod with the Creek insignia we also used last year. Let me know who will be there. Also, could someone stop bye my place and pickup the new trailer and coordinate with George on where to drop it so he can get moving on the graphics. Your help with this and the above-mentioned matters is greatly appreciated.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Congrats Caleb!!!!
A HUGE Congratulations is in order for our tribe's favorite Coast Guard Commander. Caleb was recently selected for the rank of Active Duty Coast Guard Captain, and will be promoted in the spring or summer after his change of command from the Cutter Vigilant. This is a huge honor, and very well deserved!!!
Publix Fundraiser is coming.................
Dad's Meeting--Don't miss it
Recruitment Day for September 23rd
This year's recruitment drive and picnic will be held at KARS Park from 11-3. Lunch will be provided, as well as fun activities for the Little Braves. The Creek has been tasked with cooking the dogs and burgers. Please mark your calendars, and plan to attend. BRING A FRIEND OF YOUR SON'S to participate in this wonderful organization
Smoke Signals for the Mighty Creek
Creek Chief SEZ:
I've been a little busy with working some O.T. for the closing of my (employment w/ SGS) maintenance contract at KSC. I would like to get together Wednesday night (8-20-08) around 7:00 PM at Coconuts on the beach, providing its okay with George. I would like to discuss various items for next fall's camping season and bring everyone up to date on the Nation's agenda (see attached) from the August meeting. Also, I've purchased a trailer fro $1,600.00 with the help of Geoff, Tom, and Richard. It is a 2005 Cargo South 6x12x6 covered utility trailer. Therefore, at the meeting we need to decide about trailer modifications (i.e. shelving, etc...) and graphics to be applied on the sides. Attached is a roster which I would like update by all as we have to provide it to the Nation. See all of you next Thursday.
CREEK SMOKE SIGNALS – August 14, 2008
The Canaveral Nation Council and Tribal Chiefs gathered formally along the main trail on a Rockledge over looking the Banana river west of the isle of Merritt Tuesday night (8-12-08) to discuss the up and coming paths the tribes will travel this fall/winter camping season the following topics were discuss:
o Mighty Lizard of the Creek the Nation’s Web Spinner provided the Nation a great flyer the YMAC Indian Guide’s recruitment campaign coming up on August 23, 2008 and the Hunting Moon Campout (September 26, 27, and 28th).
o A camping schedule for the Nation’s season was officially set with the Snow Moon Campout occurring the weekend of January 23rd at Jetty Park.
o There will be four (4) official campouts this year, which war games and ceremonial events occur. They are as follows:
Falling Leaf Moon – October 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
Mad Moon – November 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
Snow Moon – January 23rd, 24th, and 25th
Family Age Out – April 17th, 18th, and 19th
o The Falling Leaf Moon campout October 24th through the 26th will the Okaloosa Nation camping with us and providing a haunted house for the little braves to experience.
o August 23, 2008 is the Nation’s Recruitment Day the activities will include camping for all who wish to stay for the weekend. In addition, there will be a water slide provide by Osage and two (2) war game to be determined. The Creek will be cooking with the Cherokee, which will be a course of hamburgers and hot dogs, and we are also providing charcoal for the fire.
o Myself, Gray Wolf has been charged to purchase materials to preserve the tipi poles. Tipi poles will be pasted out to each tribe to work on Friday night of Hunting Moon Campout, which is as so a recruitment event. Each tribal member (father and son) is strongly encouraged to invite a friend to this campout expose others the ways of the Canaveral Nation.
o The Nation needs a War Hooper! Any volunteers?
o Tax documents for charitable donations and the Nation’s By-Laws are to be located.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Spagetti Dinner held at Elks
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
The tribe poses at the fire ring
Aho Mighty Creek! (as posted by Gray Wolf, stepping up to Chief!)
The Canaveral Nation’s camp-out (Moon of Aging-Out) on Friday, Saturday and Sunday was great!!! In my opinion, correct me if I speak with fork tongue my fellow participants.
To start, camp set-up went fairly easy thanks, to the pre-positioning of the tribe’s equipment/tools by the oh so missed presence of the Cats and the help of the Cougar's with selection and orientation which made for easy access and circulation between the various teepees and the long house. The Lizards arrived at the weekend’s rendezvous with weekend’s supplies. All the while listening to the background music of the Monkeys, some friends of Bob Henry, despite the fact that they were fishing in the Banana River catching redfish. As dusk arrived so did the Tigers with the evening’s kill (chicken wings) to be deep fat fried and laden with sauces from the village of the Coconut. Celebration around the campfires of the nation continued into the morning hours of the big and little brave’s Friday.
Saturday brought an early rise, except for the Cougars, to the tribe with the smell of coffee, bacon and sausage, pancakes and eggs prepared on the tribe’s aged kitchen. As usual there was running around, done by the big and little braves of all the tribes to the sporting events prior to the nation’s war games.
The Creek took many coupe on the field of combat as witnessed by the taking of the war-game coupe, nation war coupe, and mini peace pipe which is equal to winning two (2) out of three (3) of the nation’s war games. The successful taking of coupe can be recognized as a result of the cunning set-up of the tribe’s war-game by Grey Wolf (Paul B.) and Gray Wolf (Tom B.) along with the late arrival by Bobcat, Wildcat, and Black Wolf and their skills to push the tribe past Cherokee and Navajo advances. The evening was ushered in by a celebratory meal of roasted tenderloin of hog, Mac and Cheese with poached greens for a serving of twenty-five (25), all to be worked off by the tribe at the ceremonial fire-walk.
The scared Fire-Walk steered toward the presentation of five (5) advancement awards to the following Creek little braves:
o Rattle Snake – Bear Claw
o Wolf Fang – Eagle Feather
o Ice Lizard – Eagle Feather
o Wildcat – Eagle Feather
o Black Wolf – Eagle feather
Upon closing the nation’s Saturday night ceremonies, the attending Creek tribal elders made much reflection as to the continuation of previous leadership deliberations concerning the passing tribal leadership for the many moons of 2009. Gray Wolf volunteered, to the many cajoles of the big braves, providing Mighty Lizard and King Snake become Sachem once and twice removed to offer council for this path of direction to be taken on the setting of the evening’s moon.
Sunday fetched in another of the Great Spirit’s stunning Florida sunrise and another tribal breakfast with good coffee, fruit, juice, and organically raised cows, hogs and hens staples from the farm of the white eyes at Publix trading post. Once the tribes divided the nation’s coupe the Creek broke camp and headed to their family lodges.
Cup o' Water War Game
Creek Scores mucho Coup
Creek April Campout 2008 (as told by Mighty Lizard--new Sachem)
One of the best campouts ever!! The tribe enjoyed perfect weather, great times, and lots of father and son bonding.
Friday night we had some special guests show up for the Wing Cook off. Dried up Creek members from years past joined us for some campfire camaraderie. We dined on superb wings brought by George including 3 different kinds of sauces. We were testing out the tribe’s cooking equipment, and we’ll be looking for some more wing events in the future. One of the emphasis will be to avoid any future flare-ups from the grease and ensuing pyrotechnics display.Dads enjoyed some camp camaderie as the boys sat for hours around the campfire. We all enjoyed the classic vinyl station pumped through the Sirius radio.
Meals were great as prepared by Broph, Saturday’s meal was superb pork tenderloin prepared for 25!! A Creek dessert favorite was prepared, than consumed by the Little Braves—SMORES!!
Even though sports participation outside the camp was in full gear, the tribe’s overall performance reached new heights. In fact, of all the Little Braves who were whisked off to outside sporting events, everyone asked to stay with the Tribe. In the Long Run, we had notable performances by Ice Lizard, Fire Lizard and Tiger Teeth.
Our War Game was a huge hit, the Baseball throw was enjoyed by all the dads and boys alike. The Cherokee horseshoe toss, and the Navajo Cup o’ Water challenge rounded out a very exciting afternoon.
The Creek displays were awesome, especially as Rattlesnake showed off his crafts for the 2nd Eagle Feather. He constructed an Indian calendar, as well as a knot display.
Speaking of Eagle Feathers, at Saturday’s Nation campfire, Little Braves of the Creek were awarded 5 Eagle Feathers. I say again, a Canaveral nation record—5 Eagle Feathers. This culminates a lot of blood, sweat and tears for the following Little Braves: Wild Cat, Black Wolf, Wolf Fang, Ice Lizard and Rattlesnake (2nd Eagle Feather). These little Braves have much to be proud of, and have inspired all the tribe’s Little Braves.
Much surprise and cheering ensued at Sunday’s closing ceremony. The Creek was awarded 3 of the most highly coveted coup. After scoring blue ribbons in the Baseball throw, and the Cup o’Water wargame challenges, the tribe scored highest and walked away with the Nation War Coup—the highest honor of the campout!! In addition, we won the War Game spear for the best War Game and the Mini Peace Pipe for runner up for displays. This was no small feat, and all the members of the mighty Creek tribe have much to be proud of. As the cheer went up for Creek, we got another surprise as Bob Cat lost a tooth in the fervor of victory we were enjoying.
Sunday, the camp break down was a cinch! It was acclaimed as the fastest Creek camp break down in history. This was through the efforts of all the Big and Little Braves cooperation with each other, and the pride and spirit the tribe has grown to through a very exciting year.
Friday, March 14, 2008
State Pow Wow March 2008
What an adventure the State Pow Wow was. We began the odyessey on Friday afternoon, and pointed the mini vans at the most extreme weather in the country. The Ocala area was experincing torrential down pour, severe thunderstorms, hail and tornadoes. Undeterred, the Creek pressed on. One of the Little Braves counted over a dozen accidents on the South bound traffic. Our caravan pressed on through the weather, toll booths, and rest areas. Finally reaching a respite for provisions, the Braves took in the local flavor at the Live Oak Sonny's. A similar experience only to a 4 am Waffle House visit. Oh, the Local Florida color. Due to the stop, we missed the weather, as Air Tran dispatch assured us we would hit the backside of the weather. As we arrived at the Pow Wow, we undertook the dreaded nighttime tent setup, however, we did it under light drizzle. Our original campsite was to be amongst the Brevard Camp Ghetto. However, our ever resourceful scout, Gray Wolf, spied a pristine campsite on the waterfront at Rees Lake. It was quickly claimed by the Mighty Creek. We awoke Saturday to clear, cold skies, and light breezes. The day was filled with activites including war games, reptile demos, indian demos, raffles, bike riding, camping, snow ball fights, bat house swarming, and campfires. It was a full, and active day. Sunday, we hit the trail on our bikes to explore the banks of the Suwannee river. After packing up, we hit the road in caravan style, and pointed the tribe back to Brevard county.
Creek Family Portrait, Pow Wow 2008
The Net Result of an active Pow Wow
Snow in Florida at the Pow Wow
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