Chief Mighty Lizard would like to send a heartfelt thank you for the great participation from the Little Braves of the Creek. The Publix fundraiser acquired in excess of $400.00 for upcoming tribal activities and tribal gear. Thanks goes out to Cody and Taner Monda, Alec Bevilacqua, Paul Brophy, John and Robert Yardley, Zac Drazich, George Artz, and Rachel, Dylan and Ryan Pletcher. Your participation is greatly appreciated!!
We have $276.14 from our afternoon activities.
The afternoon boys got all that and you collected only 123.86?
What gives?
When this post was published, I did not have an accurate count from the afternoon group's very productive donation collections. After consult with BobCat, and adding the $273+change to the morning group, my math indicates the initial report was a little short. I think the most important note is that we have a great group of Little Braves who personally contributed to help raise the Creek coffers to historical a level.
The morning group collected $273 in bills, and the coins remain uncounted. You do the math hothlepoya.
Not only did we do the math, but, we rolled our coins. We are ready to take our collection to the bank.
46% of our collection was coins. You should have an additional $229 in coins, for a total of $778.00. Rah!
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