There are only three hand-wound, kerosene-burning lighthouses left in the world!
What about a July campout in Elbow Key, Abaco Bahamas (The Surf Capital of the Bahamas)?
170 seats are available per week fly between Melbourne, FL and Marsh Harbour, BS 16 flights per week fly between Melbourne, FL and Marsh Harbour, BS Vintage Props & Jets has the most flights (14) between Melbourne, FL and Marsh Harbour, BS. 2 carriers operate between Melbourne, FL and Marsh Harbour, BS
Explore Beautiful Abaco. We have: The most Beautiful Water on Earth, Beaches, Islands, Sailing, Diving, Boating, Fishing, Nature Preserves on the Land and in the Sea. Fine hotels, Intimate Clubs, Guest houses, Fishing Lodges and Bed and Breakfast. Restaurants and Shopping, Marinas, Rental Homes and Condos, Investment Properties and Homes for Sale. Activities for the entire family and Quiet Get-Aways for Couples. Golf, Tennis, Snorkeling and Scuba, Day Sails and Water Skiing. Quiet Spots to Read or let the World Go By, and Much More...
There are only three hand-wound, kerosene-burning lighthouses left in the world!
As wrecks abounded throughout the Bahamas in the early nineteenth century, concerned shipping interests implored the British Imperial Lighthouse Service, London, to increase their navigational aids in their colonies. Starting in 1836, they built eleven major lighthouses in the Bahamas Islands.
With wrecks on the increase in the Hope Town area, the Imperial Lighthouse Service built the Elbow Reef Lighthouse in 1864, but not without some sabotage from the locals whose major source of income was from wrecking and salvaging. When first built, the lighthouse showed a standing light: that is, it did not flash.
In 1936 the Imperial Lighthouse Service saw the need for a light which could be more easily identified by ships at sea. Thus, the Elbow Reef Lighthouse was given a major refit using the lenses and turning equipment which had been at the Gun Cay Lighthouse since 1929. The rotating Fresnel lenses have a unique character described on the nautical charts as, "GP FL W(5) EV 15 SEC 120 FT 15M." - a group of five white flashes every fifteen seconds at 120 feet above sea level with a visibility of fifteen nautical miles. The tower is 89 feet high with 101 step to the lantern room.
The lighting and turning equipment was made by the Chance Brothers of England. The light source is a 325,000 candlepower "Hood" petroleum vapour burner. A hand pump is used to pressurize the kerosene in iron containers below the lantern room and travels up a tube to a vaporizer which sprays into a pre-heated mantle. The beautiful Fresno lenses called "bull's-eyes" concentrate the mantle's light into a piercing beam straight out towards the horizon. The eight thousand pound Fresnel lenses float in a circular tub of lubricant thereby reducing friction. Every two hours the keeper on duty has to wind, to the top of the tower, seven hundred pounds of weight by means of a hand winch. The descending weights, through a series of bronze gears, rotate the four-ton apparatus once around every 15 seconds -- and very smoothly, at that.
Aho Creek, Just received an e-mail from Mike Kennedy. He and his son Sean may camp with us this weekend. I gave him directions and told him to look for the Creek trailer. I'll ask Mike to respond when he knows if he will be there so you can add another 2 for food.
It doesn't look like we will be camping. We may stop out to say hi.
Have a good campout and welcome to our new chief, Geoff Pletcher.
There are only three hand-wound, kerosene-burning lighthouses left in the world!
What about a July campout in Elbow Key, Abaco Bahamas (The Surf Capital of the Bahamas)?
170 seats are available per week fly between Melbourne, FL and Marsh Harbour, BS
16 flights per week fly between Melbourne, FL and Marsh Harbour, BS
Vintage Props & Jets has the most flights (14) between Melbourne, FL and Marsh Harbour, BS.
2 carriers operate between Melbourne, FL and Marsh Harbour, BS
Is there a lighthouse in view of Jetty Park? (The Surf Capital of Central Florida)
Explore Beautiful Abaco. We have: The most Beautiful Water on Earth, Beaches, Islands, Sailing, Diving, Boating, Fishing, Nature Preserves on the Land and in the Sea. Fine hotels, Intimate Clubs, Guest houses, Fishing Lodges and Bed and Breakfast. Restaurants and Shopping, Marinas, Rental Homes and Condos, Investment Properties and Homes for Sale. Activities for the entire family and Quiet Get-Aways for Couples. Golf, Tennis, Snorkeling and Scuba, Day Sails and Water Skiing. Quiet Spots to Read or let the World Go By, and Much More...
I got the e-mails about the passports for travel to the Bahamas. I say Costa Rica must be safer if you don't need a passport to go.
There are only three hand-wound, kerosene-burning lighthouses left in the world!
As wrecks abounded throughout the Bahamas in the early nineteenth century, concerned shipping interests implored the British Imperial Lighthouse Service, London, to increase their navigational aids in their colonies. Starting in 1836, they built eleven major lighthouses in the Bahamas Islands.
With wrecks on the increase in the Hope Town area, the Imperial Lighthouse Service built the Elbow Reef Lighthouse in 1864, but not without some sabotage from the locals whose major source of income was from wrecking and salvaging. When first built, the lighthouse showed a standing light: that is, it did not flash.
In 1936 the Imperial Lighthouse Service saw the need for a light which could be more easily identified by ships at sea. Thus, the Elbow Reef Lighthouse was given a major refit using the lenses and turning equipment which had been at the Gun Cay Lighthouse since 1929. The rotating Fresnel lenses have a unique character described on the nautical charts as, "GP FL W(5) EV 15 SEC 120 FT 15M." - a group of five white flashes every fifteen seconds at 120 feet above sea level with a visibility of fifteen nautical miles. The tower is 89 feet high with 101 step to the lantern room.
The lighting and turning equipment was made by the Chance Brothers of England. The light source is a 325,000 candlepower "Hood" petroleum vapour burner. A hand pump is used to pressurize the kerosene in iron containers below the lantern room and travels up a tube to a vaporizer which sprays into a pre-heated mantle. The beautiful Fresno lenses called "bull's-eyes" concentrate the mantle's light into a piercing beam straight out towards the horizon. The eight thousand pound Fresnel lenses float in a circular tub of lubricant thereby reducing friction. Every two hours the keeper on duty has to wind, to the top of the tower, seven hundred pounds of weight by means of a hand winch. The descending weights, through a series of bronze gears, rotate the four-ton apparatus once around every 15 seconds -- and very smoothly, at that.
Dull, dull, dull....
Please don't tell him about next year.
I saw Jimmy Gegko and he was very nice to me today. Maybe this Jim is not the same Jim.
Has anyone talked to Tom or Tom about cooking? Do we know who is camping?
The Lizard family is in. Whats for the meals? I am out of town until Thursday. See you then.
we are in as well.
Aho Creek,
Just received an e-mail from Mike Kennedy. He and his son Sean may camp with us this weekend. I gave him directions and told him to look for the Creek trailer. I'll ask Mike to respond when he knows if he will be there so you can add another 2 for food.
It doesn't look like we will be camping. We may stop out to say hi.
Have a good campout and welcome to our new chief, Geoff Pletcher.
Black Cloud.
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