Aho Super Creek! This will probably be my last official recap of anything - Pletch, you got it! The Creek had a virtual mystical experience in the April campout. We took an award that we have never seen in my entire IG career. We, the partial-show aviator tribe, actually took the Tomohawk for best attendance at a campout. I am still in shock even at this late date. Outstanding participation guys - keep it up next year because everyone benefits when the numbers are high. It was a beautiful weekend (a little windy, but side bene of NO BUGS). Chief arrived at camp late Fri night due to witnessing his bravette perform her first lead role in a play at Titusville High School. She was Marian the Librarian in 'The Music Man', and frankly was better than Shirley Jones herself (no bias of course). Unfortunately, the late arrival resulted in chief and son missing out on some outstanding golden skillet chow put out by none other than Creek's new and upcoming master chef, the Vincester (I still don't know your Indian name, I guess I'll give back my red feather) himself. From what I hear, the ribs were more than worthy of the coveted 'skillet'. Yet sadly, the skillet was ripped out from under us by the mighty Osage, always a fierce competitor in the skillet competition. Vince, thanks for all of the great chow this season. Saturday started off as the normal busy formal campouts always do. Opening ceremony, with Creek scrambling to paint our then current coup the correct Creek colors, while wolfing down breakfast. Aging out braves met with the aging out master of ceremonies at noon, and were given the rundown of the big event for that evening. Long run and war games immediately following (great participation on all counts by Creek). We actually placed second in one of the games (I can't remember which one, the CRS is kicking in). Great job by our little braves in the run and the games. Post war game rolled right into displays and nation chief's sitdown with Rattlesnake to earn his third order of the eagle award. The little braves prepped very well for the display judging, and were ready to rock when the chiefs rolled in. You should all be very proud of how our little braves do in displays - I received a huge compliment from all of the chiefs on how impressed they are with our guys. Major kudos. I think the hand made bamboo fishing poles (which required some frenzy like last minute decorating) were a hit for the new craft. For future reference, the new craft and little brave participation each count for 1/3 of the total judging grade, so 2/3 total. This season, Creek has taken the mini peace pipe (2nd place in display judging) once and the big peace pipe twice (1st place for same) out of the four campouts where judging took place. That is HUGE and a great accomplishment for our young braves! The result of this particular campout effort was another Big Peace Pipe winner for Creek. Now we can get the colors done really right - we have six months til the next formal campout! When Nation Chief Pickle Sniffer visited Creek, he had many orange ribbons to offer for the many good deeds of the Creek little braves in the previous month. Again nice job. He also sat down with Rattlesnake and reviewed in detail what Rattlesnake had accomplished in order to earn his third order of the eagle award. I am very proud of Skylar for 'going all the way' in the program. Sometimes it took some prodding, but it's a very cool accomplishment, and I hope he takes the lesson of 'perserverence in setting goals and attaining them' with him throughout his adult life. Great Job Skylar! You made chief and Dad proud. The tomohawk is also very cool! After displays, more scramble took place to feed the tribe yet another bodacious Creek meal. I apologize for not remembering who was primarily responsible for that delectible serving of tastiness (CRS again), but thanks dudes! While chow was being drummed up, Paul spearheaded yet another magnificent firewalk set-up, at the sacrifice of missing some alone time with his squaw and ma and pa. Thanks dude, your efforts, along with those who helped, really make the firewalk ceremony a cool event. That firewalk (my last), bond fire, and aging out ceremony will remain embedded in my memory. It's been a great run, and I hope Skylar will keep good memories of his time with Dad and his buds at IG for all of these years - I know I will! Many words of wisdom were uttered at the aging out ceremony, great words to remember and live by for both big and little braves! Also witnessing the culmination of eight years of work by Skylar in earning his third eagle, along with the tomohawk, was totally awesome. Sunday brought another great feast and a great closing ceremony in which all of the Creek little braves earned well deserved ribbons for the long run and war games. And again, Creek took home the Peace Pipe and the attendance Tomohawk! Camp breakdown was fast and furious, and for once, the Snake family was not the last to leave (we had to scram to watch Sunny's closing show that afternoon, again another exclamation point in my weekend). I just want to say that you guys, without question, are one of the finest groups I've had the pleasure to be a part of. I hope to keep in touch, stay at least minimally involved, and look forward to future get togethers, whether IG related or not. Keep up the great effort, you have a really good thing going. I would like to also use this opportunity to apologize to the Hutchinson family for not making a better effort to formally (and informally) introduce you guys to the tribe. I hope you look to give Creek another shot, because it is truly a great group of fathers and sons. I hereby delegate to Pletch to fix that screw-up for me. Scott, my most humble apologies. Since this is so late in coming, I may as well comment on the May meeting - as we speak I see Byron has sent out a recap of the meeting. Byron, thanks for covering the chief's meeting, hosting this meeting, and putting out good info from both. Gentlemen, my sincerest thank you for the gifts of appreciation. I truly believe the makeup of this group is the primary and ultimate cause for its success. It was easy 'running the show' this season, because of the initiative continually provided by many members of this tribe. You guys rock! Thanks for your great participation and for your friendship. I will hopefully make the Sat dinner this campout and get to have one last Creek hurrah before riding into the IG sunset. Otherwise I'll see y'all over the summer (probably at a Pletch organized event) and sporatically next year as a Dried Up Creek (Roland, thanks for starting that tradition - it will stick for many many moons). Again I say, Rock On! Chuckles Out and Out p.s. thanks for tolerating my gushiness in this electronic smoke signal