AND CHIEF CHUCKLES SEZ.................
Aho Super Creek!
My most humble apologies for not wrapping up the epic hike in a timely fashion.
What an awesome month!
First, thanks to Byron and Paul for spearheading the initial planning for the hike, and thanks to Byron for leading all braves through the soggy wilderness of 'way out west' Cocoa.
Once assembled, the braves were given a pre-hike etiquette/safety briefing from Watching Fox, who did an outstanding job. His plan included a mid-point stop for lunch - most excellent idea!
As seen by the pictures posted on the blog site, this hike brought forth a unique challenge in the hiking world, that of much WATER. The little braves forged ahead through this greatest of challenges with good cheer and perseverance. Our estimated 2.5-3 miler stretched into a solid 4 miler when it was all said and done! Chief was most impressed with Rob Jessup, who kept little Robert on his shoulders virtually the entire hike! Compressed spinal discs to follow.
Orange Monkey, Wolf Fang, Ice Lizard, and Wild Cougar all moved a great deal toward earning their bear claw with purple beads. Chief is still waiting on maps from a couple of those braves, and expects to hand out the claws at the next meeting. All of the other remaining braves more than earned their purple feather, which requires a two mile hike.
Much wildlife was seen through the trek, although the largest of lizards were thankfully avoided. The mighty Creek braves had casual encounters with a bald eagle, armadillos, racoons, black racers, deer, some obscure fish, and a rather large brown recluse spider (that one was avoided but well identified). Many animal tracks were identified by our bear claw earners as well.
Although shoes and pants ended up being somewhat waterlogged, the journey was a blast and a huge success. Nicely done, Creek!
Not to let the epic hike be the highlight of the month, the very next weekend the Creek traveled in record numbers to attend the state campout. In all, the Creek tribe had 36 big braves, little braves, squaws and maidens, representing 12 families, in attendance. Chief believes this number was greater than any other tribe in the entire state!
Not to go into who did what - but suffice it to say that Airboating, Skeet/Trap shooting, Archery, Horseback riding, open cockpit bi-plane rides (FREE to boot), and numerous animal shows and craft making provided a cram packed weekend for all involved. Of course, all of this activity was capped off by a phenomenal rodeo put on by the Westgate River Ranch Saturday evening. Those bull rider dudes are f-ing nuts! Personally, the highlight for chief was the five (yes I said FIVE) year old barrel riding cowgirl. What a great show.
Creek also stood proud in the war game arena with its entrance of the Trebuchet (built and briefed for operational use by none other than Watching Fox, Creek's resident geek engineer/fireman/wood dude). That thing hurled golf balls 50 yards. It rocked, and was a bonefied squaw magnet (ask Gray Wolf of the Bevilacqua family).
Thanks to medicine man for shopping to feed our army of a tribe two bodacious breakfast feasts. I think Grounded Eagle grilled up more bacon (seven pounds, right?) Sunday morning than chief has seen in eight cycles of the seasons. For those who did not indulge in banana pancakes, you missed out.
Creek wrapped up the camp in the most expeditious breakdown in history, to avoid the approaching angry dark skies. Chief is remorseful that he did not get to say goodbye. He and Rattlesnake went to return the pathetic rental bikes to the General Store, and learned that the tribe entered the 'exodus' mode while the bikes were being returned. To reiterate, this program is a HUGE success when the braves are as involved as the current Creek braves are, and it is a pleasure to be affiliated with this group!
King of Snakes of the Super Creek Tribe of the Great Canaveral Nation