1. The Nation Secure Site is up and running for Canaveral Nation Y-Guides registration.
2. Link is available from the nation website (My Canaveral Link) or access here http://www.canaveralnation.net/ig_main. Use temp@temp.com for initial logon email and 'palsforever' for initial password.
3. Once you're in you will be asked to create your own user ID (your email address) and a password. Then complete the registration form.
4. Email admin@canaveralnation.net if you have any problems.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Creek Smoke Signals

CREEK SMOKE SIGNALS – October 31, 2008
The Canaveral Nation Council gathered in the hammock over looking the Banana River west of the Cape Friday night (10-24-08) for the Falling Leaf Moon camp-out. However, the tribe of the Mighty Creek was nowhere to be seen. In spite of this, your chief managed to be in attendance for the council meeting Saturday morning (10-25-08). The following were topics of discussion:
o The Nation Council and Tribal Chiefs had discussions and edits to the Nation’s constitution and by-laws. A finalization of the document will be available within the month for use on the Nation’s website.
o All families of the tribes are required to register for this Indian Guide’s season. The following are directions for the 2008/2009-season registration:
1. The Nation Secure Site is up and running for Canaveral Nation Y-Guides registration.
2. Link is available from the nation website (My Canaveral Link) or access here http://www.canaveralnation.net/ig_main. Use temp@temp.com for initial logon email and 'palsforever' for initial password.
3. Once you're in you will be asked to create your own user ID (your email address) and a password. Then complete the registration form.
4. Email admin@canaveralnation.net if you have any problems.
o The absence of the Creek tribe Friday night and will the Creek be arranging and participating in the war games.
Yes, the following families represented the Creek that day:
o Wolf (Brophy)
o Monkey (Henry)
o Cat (Yardley)
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