Creek Chief SEZ:
I've been a little busy with working some O.T. for the closing of my (employment w/ SGS) maintenance contract at KSC. I would like to get together Wednesday night (8-20-08) around 7:00 PM at Coconuts on the beach, providing its okay with George. I would like to discuss various items for next fall's camping season and bring everyone up to date on the Nation's agenda (see attached) from the August meeting. Also, I've purchased a trailer fro $1,600.00 with the help of Geoff, Tom, and Richard. It is a 2005 Cargo South 6x12x6 covered utility trailer. Therefore, at the meeting we need to decide about trailer modifications (i.e. shelving, etc...) and graphics to be applied on the sides. Attached is a roster which I would like update by all as we have to provide it to the Nation. See all of you next Thursday.
CREEK SMOKE SIGNALS – August 14, 2008
The Canaveral Nation Council and Tribal Chiefs gathered formally along the main trail on a Rockledge over looking the Banana river west of the isle of Merritt Tuesday night (8-12-08) to discuss the up and coming paths the tribes will travel this fall/winter camping season the following topics were discuss:
o Mighty Lizard of the Creek the Nation’s Web Spinner provided the Nation a great flyer the YMAC Indian Guide’s recruitment campaign coming up on August 23, 2008 and the Hunting Moon Campout (September 26, 27, and 28th).
o A camping schedule for the Nation’s season was officially set with the Snow Moon Campout occurring the weekend of January 23rd at Jetty Park.
o There will be four (4) official campouts this year, which war games and ceremonial events occur. They are as follows:
Falling Leaf Moon – October 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
Mad Moon – November 21st, 22nd, and 23rd
Snow Moon – January 23rd, 24th, and 25th
Family Age Out – April 17th, 18th, and 19th
o The Falling Leaf Moon campout October 24th through the 26th will the Okaloosa Nation camping with us and providing a haunted house for the little braves to experience.
o August 23, 2008 is the Nation’s Recruitment Day the activities will include camping for all who wish to stay for the weekend. In addition, there will be a water slide provide by Osage and two (2) war game to be determined. The Creek will be cooking with the Cherokee, which will be a course of hamburgers and hot dogs, and we are also providing charcoal for the fire.
o Myself, Gray Wolf has been charged to purchase materials to preserve the tipi poles. Tipi poles will be pasted out to each tribe to work on Friday night of Hunting Moon Campout, which is as so a recruitment event. Each tribal member (father and son) is strongly encouraged to invite a friend to this campout expose others the ways of the Canaveral Nation.
o The Nation needs a War Hooper! Any volunteers?
o Tax documents for charitable donations and the Nation’s By-Laws are to be located.