Sunday, February 18, 2007

Creek tribe puts the WOW in Pow-Wow!!!

This is the last week for the $5.00 discount/person for the State Pow-Wow. This is one of those events which the KIDS LOVE!!! Don't miss this year's great event: click this link for registration: Links to the POW-WOW can be viewed on this very blog which you are reading.

The Rocket Launch from KARS underscores camp success!!!

The Little Braves of the Creek tribe watching a beautiful February launch from the Cape. This campout included the Webelo wobble, the Pinewood derby, cool temps and warm fires!! It just doesn't get any better than this boys!!! View all the photos on the flickr account-this blog.

The Little Braves enjoy the cool February campout

Trip Rachels rides his bike for a full weekend

The Rachels family shows up for a fun Creek campout, as Creek's newest members. Trip, who just learned to ride a two wheeler, was on his bike most of the weekend. When he wasn't riding, he was qualifying as one of the tribe's fastest Pinewood racers.

Ice Lizard Gets Environmental Camper Award!

Ice Lizard shows his environmental awareness by demonstrating the finest camping environmental ettiquite. $10 gift certificate from a popular local surf shop was awarded

Thursday, February 8, 2007

World's Greatest Sport and new Creek war HAKA!!

View the following link to view modern day warriors prepare for the world's greatest sport. Practice for the Braves of the Creek tribe will commence without further delay:

Fire Lizard designs/begins Derby car

Design and initial cuts have been made on the Fire Lizard racer. Pinewood Derby races held at KARS park campout 16-18 Febrary. This is a "must do" campout.

Ice Lizard begins Derby construction

Ice Lizard has begun the initial phases of construction for the "Racing Wedge" Pinewood Derby to compete next weekend. Updates to follow...............

Sunday, February 4, 2007

On the Edge rock climb is a huge success!!!!

The Creek tribe conducted its meeting today at On the Edge rock climbing gym in Melbourne. Photos are available for viewing on the blog in the Flickr link. We had great participation from our existing families, as well as new participants: the Johnson family, the Whitehead family, the Cohen family, and the Rachels family. Thanks for coming, we look forward to a great campout in 2 weeks, featuring the Pinewood Derby!!

Saturday, February 3, 2007

Pinewood Derby kits to be distributed Sunday 2/4!!!

Do not miss the meeting Sunday. Before the Superbowl, climb the indoor gym with the Creek tribe. Braves and Maidens welcome. ALSO; ATTEND THIS MEETING TO GET YOUR PINEWOOD DERBY KIT. See the link to explore more of what the Pinewood Derby is all about.

Meeting show time at 1:00, and climb to commence at 1:30 until 3:30

Click this link for Pinewood Derby excitement!!!!What's this all about?: